The Grand Battle S2G1! [Round Six: Eddelin City]

The Grand Battle S2G1! [Round Six: Eddelin City]
Re: The Grand Battle S2G1! [Round Two: Sk'va!]
Originally posted on MSPA by Lord Paradise.


Jen watched her feet dangling over the ledge, far above the crowd of insects below, and it seemed a very familiar situation to her; she had always loved stomping on ants as a child, her very first taste of power. In one hand she propped up a green parasol; in the other, she loosely held on to her paintbrush.

On the hexagonal, twenty-four hour clock she had replaced some of the numbers with a rudimentary day planner. Wake up at 6:30, breakfast, work work lunch work work home dinner TV sex bed.

Secrets of politics: People, despite popular belief, do in fact appreciate being told what to do. However, they despise being told when to get off their asses and do it, so a crowd quickly gathered, wondering why the police weren't doing anything to stop this endoskeletal little bitch.

The mayoress, who had an emergency meeting as well as being in the throes of pre-labor (the doctors, according to the paper, are reasonably certain that this is going to be the Big One) was unavailable for comment.

At lunch o' clock, a mortar-coffin was commissioned, and custodial staff was deployed to the polling center, which had been locked up for months. Word got out. Word, as a matter of fact, spread all the way to Cyk'Nl, whose own change in leadership was going a lot more smoothly.

Bookies across both towns recalculated their figures. The general consensus was that unless Sk'Va finished elections within twelve hours and produced a mayor who was some sort of eminently decisive tactical genius, it would be an absolute sweep for Cyk'Nl.

The city council held an emergency meeting and after reviewing a shocking clerical report, decided that they "absolutely needed" to win this war in order to gain some key trading partners.

Before the queen had even entered labor, the Cyk'Nl-are-Douches party had posters up all over town declaring that their candidate, Secretary of Sex and Death Phakkum Ohl, was "Easy on the Eyes, Tough on Cyk'Nl." No opposition immediately presented itself.

Getting down from the clock tower while avoiding the crowd required some fairly arduous acts of parkour, and by the time she found the shop Arkal had commandeered, Jen was about ready for a powernap. It had been a long, fairly unproductive day.


Messages In This Thread
Re: The Grand Battle S2G1! [Round Two: Sk'va!] - by Elpie - 07-18-2010, 02:35 PM