The Grand Battle S2G1! [Round Six: Eddelin City]

The Grand Battle S2G1! [Round Six: Eddelin City]
Re: The Grand Battle S2G1! [Round One: Alpha Complex!]
Originally posted on MSPA by Wojjan.

Kracht sensed something. It was hard to put it into exact words, even harder to put a finger on where he felt it. But he knew there was something. This timeline felt more or less different. The tiny hallways in the complex had different people every cycle, but this time there were significantly less. Arkal should also have never seen that scrubot, because it shouldn't have been there, because the writing shouldn't have been there. The entire line felt weird, and he knew it. He quickly rushed back to the hall where they first entered.
"Maxwell, Sikarius. I'll show you the way to the briefing room."

"Oh, thanks!"
"Just you hold on a second. Didn't I JUST NOW tell you you only obey me?"
"I'm not obeying him, he is helping me!"
"Well then I obey you not to be helped! It is an order!"

There didn't seem to come an end to the bickering. He had to do something, it was of utmost importance Maxwell arrived in time. He was not to be eliminated in this round, and his dawdling wasn't helping in the slightest.
"Sorry, this is going to hurt." He quickly grabbed Maxwell by the Wyrm and dragged him along

"Ow ow ow ow! Stop it!"
"You heard the boy! I'm not his leash!"

"You're running late while you shouldn't." With perhaps a too forceful grip and spawning tears in Maxwell's eyes, they proceeded to the briefing room.
He muttered a small apology every minute along the line.

quidquid Latine dictum sit altum videtur.

Messages In This Thread
Re: The Grand Battle S2G1! [Round One: Alpha Complex!] - by Woffles - 05-25-2010, 12:34 PM