The Grand Battle S2G1! [Round Six: Eddelin City]

The Grand Battle S2G1! [Round Six: Eddelin City]
Re: The Grand Battle SEASON 2! [Signups!]
Originally posted on MSPA by Lisawags.

Ah, I apologize for the ludicrous character, cyber. I'll try to think of another one if you're still considering on letting me in. Once again, I'm verry sorry about it, especially if my character seemed to mock your Grand Battle and angered you.

Username: Lisawags
Name: Keleth
Gender: male
Race: a shapeshifter (looks like a human except for a few details)
Colour: #FF8000
Weapons/Abilities: Keleth doesn't carry much around with him, just the clothes on his back, a canteen filled with water, and a dagger. He has the ability to morph his body into different shape, but it can't be too extreme. He can't make himself too small, and he can't become too big either. With his ability, he can also transform his arm into a blunt object and whack people with it. He is also able to use a variety of spells, probably most of them being generic.
Description: I'll provide a picture of him later when I get home, which might be in a while. Personality-wise, Keleth is a patient person who never gives up on something once he puts his mind to it (sometimes it's as bad as Captain Ishmael). He is a little unwilling to depart with his coins; no matter what the amount is. He is humble and never praises himself. Whenever someone compliments him, he disagrees often. He is also slightly shy, but he will speak up when he has to. Although he is a little perverted, he still has a good heart.
Biography: When he was a child, Keleth's parents had died from a disease, and so he was left alone. Eventually, he was taken to an orphanage. He was accepted by the other children, and people rarely disliked him. That changed when a scout for a monastery of young children gifted with magic had some interest in Keleth. Within a few weeks, he was taken from the orphanage to the monastery.

Because of the sudden change, Keleth rarely was seen with other children outside of training. After years of rigorous training, he was taken to an adept of the magical arts to become an apprentice at the age of seventeen.

Keleth stayed with his master for almost four years, until he was abducted into the Grand Battle.

Messages In This Thread
Re: The Grand Battle SEASON 2! [Signups!] - by GBCE - 05-21-2010, 03:22 AM