Petty Squabble [ROUND 3] [Goldhenge]

Petty Squabble [ROUND 3] [Goldhenge]
Re: Petty Squabble [ROUND 1] [Fort Ayers, New Atlantis]
Originally posted on MSPA by TimeothyHour.

“v. cor•nered, cor•ner•ing, cor•ners
1. To furnish with corners.
2. To place or drive into a corner: cornered the thieves and captured them.
3. To form a corner in (a stock or commodity): cornered the silver market.”

Six was pretty sure the second definition described him at that moment. Despite his best attempts to avoid conflict with the men, they had placed him, driven him, into a corner. Their weapons were menacingly aimed at him, and he was directly confronted with the fear and hatred in their faces.

Fear and hate were things easily understood: they made the show better. They quenched the audience’s bloodlust. Simple as that. Fear and hatred, the audience and the populace, demanded a death. Who was he to deny them?

The blade began to slowly spin. It screamed at him to comply, to give them what they wanted.

The blinking alert once again caught Six’s attention. GPS down. How could he be sure there was an audience? Contestants? Or even a game host?

To kill or to die was what it boiled down to. Anything else was just justification for actions. It was a question that had he had never thought of before, and he had no answer for it.

Failure to answer calls for elimination.


Parsley reached the end of the hall. The good news was that Sir Archibald was there. The bad news was that the knight was surrounded by a group of soldiers aiming those strange weapon-like objects in his general direction.

The demon hunter tried to interpret the illusion into something reasonable. Were these men just illusions? Real people? Do they have malicious intent? Or are they just disoriented and confused by the illusions afflicting them?

There wasn’t enough time to answer. They were getting ready to fire, and some sort of man in a white cloak was messing with some sort of device that didn’t seem like it was going to be used in a friendly way. He had to act, and soon.



Suddenly, a piece of bread collided with one of the soldiers from behind. He was completely unprepared for this, and fell forward, firing wildly upward.

Chaos ensued. Bullets flew everywhere, ricocheting off of walls with wild and unpredictable paths, the rest of the men, not sure who was shooting or what had happened, began to fire their guns. The sergeant was not pleased.


A good punch administered to the back of the head by a demon hunter is an effective way to shut someone up.


Six observed the scene before him, processing. Violence. Chaos. Efficient knockout techniques. Contestant 3 had answered the question for him.


The laser on the robot’s lapel fired, vaporizing several soldiers. The saw blade began to spin, faster and faster and faster, yearning for the kill, asking for blood, horrible blood.

Who was he to deny the blade?


Fritz was terrified.

He used one of the fallen bodies as a human shield as he screamed several expletives, inaudible above the sound of gunfire. He uttered several more when he saw the robot charge through the panicked soldiers wildly, blood splattering and screams echoing. Even more flowed when he realized the terrible murder machine had noticed him, and began heading in his general direction, cutting through men who dared to get close enough.

Fitz glanced at the jammer. It was his only chance for survival.

The scientist threw he corpse aside, charging at the game host, a terrified war cry escaping his lips.


Six hadn’t actually noticed the scientist until he ran out of seemingly nowhere, uttering his cry of fear and hatred. He was simply moving in a path that he had calculated to be the most effective way to kill as many people as possible. His programming for elimination hadn’t been so well programmed as to be able to pick out important targets in a crowd.

So, when the scientist suddenly appeared, the robot was legitimately surprised. Another surprise was the object he was carrying- he could not identify what it was, and it was seemingly being used as a weapon.

The curious weapon and interesting tactic piqued Six’s curiosity. Fear and Hatred demanded violence, but he made an adjustment to his path in order to satisfy his need for knowledge.


Parsley cursed Archibald’s violent tendencies, as he backed away from the cloud of gore around The Knight’s path. Those could be innocent people, or even his own men! The demon hunter was merely trying to incapacitate them, but he was slaughtering them!

Parsley uttered a swear under his breath as he knocked out another soldier with a piece of bread. He didn’t have time to deal with this fight, or the knight, or any of this! He had a demon to fight!

A particularly loud scream echoed through the hall, directing the demon hunter’s attention. The man in the white cloak, now stained red, was on the ground, screaming, holding his hand. Archibald was staring down at him, his blade starting to slow down.

Parsley then felt something hit his foot. He looked down, and the strange spherical device was at his feet, marred by blood, glinting in the artificial light.


Messages In This Thread
Re: Petty Squabble [ROUND 1] [Fort Ayers, New Atlantis] - by GBCE - 07-10-2011, 02:28 PM