Petty Squabble [ROUND 3] [Goldhenge]

Petty Squabble [ROUND 3] [Goldhenge]
Re: Petty Squabble [ROUND 1] [Fort Ayers, New Atlantis]
Originally posted on MSPA by MalkyTop.

After she floated out, the family filed out behind her and generally glanced around at their surroundings. She continued to meander away and looked back over her shoulder. This whole thing smelled like a big giant lock. She wanted to spring it open. But she also wanted to destroy it. There was a sense of wrongness about the whole thing, something that disturbed her enough to feel the urge to pry and yet also feel that this was something to not look into. To get rid of as soon as possible.

Oh come on, this was a stupid worry.

But maybe she should just kill them all sooner rather than later.

Well, this was a war. The dassing family couldn’t all protect themselves forever. Probably wouldn’t be a few minutes before the baby died. It’s a baby. And the rest of them too. All of them would probably get blown to bits in a moment.

But then again, there was always the old saying, if you wass something skent, it was best to skent it yourself. And then she could cozy up to the others with no more troubles on her mind.

Oooh, a soldier. Those are good at killing things. That’s what they’re trained for. And this one seems to have been trained very well.


Another one of the demons cut down. Its mangled face stared upwards with an inhuman grimace before the wicked body disintegrated. Sorrel continued on. The land was teeming with these foul beasts. It would take long to purify, but purify he must.

Something unfamiliar jumped out at him and he reacted quickly, but his blessed weapon had no effect. He stared at this new creature in shock and tried to attack again. What a terrible vision before him. Was it a demon somehow more powerful than the holy waters his sword was bathed in?

“Okay, I could let the first time pass, but really? A second time? It won’t work, you know.”

“I am not afraid,” he spat out. “I will fight you wretched beasts until I die.”

“I didn’t say anything about being afraid.” He sliced at the apparition again. “This is very disrespectful. I am a goddess. I’m trying to help you.”

Sorrel paused and looked the thing up and down. “You don’t look like any goddess I know of, beast.”

“I am a very powerful goddess, Sorrel.” Okay, she knew his name, that meant nothing. “It’s a shame you are so ignorant, but perhaps I could enlighten you about my power. It’s just a matter of…opening your mind, say. Letting my doctrines in…”

“I am faithful to my gods, beast. I will accept no religion of yours.”

“Hey, who said anything about accepting? All doors can just be forced open. I have a doorknob for that.”

Sorrel might have spat out something else, something potentially cool or brave, like, ‘No way’ or ‘The hell are you talking about’ or ‘I’m not a chicken, you’re a turkey’ but he was stopped quickly as a strange sensation came over him. It felt like a light had shone on his puny mortal mind. It felt like a connection to nature and to the world. It felt like the meaning of life. It felt like warm milk, but in his brain instead of his stomach. It felt like bliss.

And lo did Yanis Carnea distim this man and he did rask of Her rorm might and it was snave. Thus was the first droke of the mighty Carnea made. And Carnea did smile upon him metaphorically because She has no mouth and Sorrel the First was snave. And She blessed him with her rormness so that he be connected to Her always, at least in mind. And sharp-faced Carnea doatched:

“There’re some guys over there, you should probably go kill them. I'm going over there. Other stuff to do.”

Thus was Her decree. And Sorrel the First doatched back:

“I shall obey.”


Messages In This Thread
Re: Petty Squabble [ROUND 1] [Fort Ayers, New Atlantis] - by MalkyTop - 04-29-2011, 11:30 PM