Petty Squabble [ROUND 3] [Goldhenge]

Petty Squabble [ROUND 3] [Goldhenge]
Re: Petty Squabble [It's another Grand Battle] [Signups open!]
Originally posted on MSPA by pugnaciousSchismatic.

Username: pugnaciousSchismatic

Name: Annie Le


Race: human, or rather, a teenager.

Color: Bright, friendly yellow.

Equipment/Abilities: Annie carries around a backpack that is filled with textbooks, her work uniform, and a can of mace, her lunch, keys, a small first aid kit, and her flute. On Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, this is expanded to include her fencing sword. She has just recently won the title of master swords [wo]man, even though she is only fourteen years old.
Annie enjoys studying for her classes, and is currently sporting a 4.0 GPA. However, this is not enough. Every day, after school and before her job, she likes to go to the library to study on obscure subjects she wrote down during classes. Sometimes, she checks out a couple of novels and reads them during work at the local bowling alley.
When she was younger, Annie joined the girl scouts for a short period of time. There, she was taught basic navigation, first aid and tracking skills. Of course, over the years, this knowledge has greatly expanded. Now, she is a survival expert.
When she finally gets home, Annie has to make dinner for her three younger siblings. And, as you already can assume, this would make her an expert in the culinary arts. That's when you are wrong. Annie does not have any cooking ability what-so-ever. In fact, she has no talent in any sort of artistic field. So, when she gets home, Annie simply makes the children canned soup and leaves it at that.
So, with that in mind, she also carries around that flute. Why? Because she promised her mother that she'd learn a musical instrument. As of right now, she can play 'Mary had a Little Lamb' and cause only a minor headache for those that hear it.

Description: Annie is a small Vietnamese girl, who enjoys wearing vibrant, flowery clothes. Her glasses are a bright red, and she tends to squint out of them. Even though she'd rather wear sandals, a pair of sensible hiking boots [with flowers drawn on them] is always on her tiny feet. Her teeth are imprisoned by bright yellow braces that don't allow her to eat most of the foods that she likes.

Biography: Annie lives in a small apartment with her mother, her two younger brothers, and her baby sister. She is an over-achiever at school, but she often feels like she doesn't study as much as she should. To help with the bills, Annie got a job some time ago at the bowling alley down the street. There, she polishes the floor, organizes shoes, fixes the scoring machines, cleans the nacho dispenser, scrubs the bathrooms, rewires the faulty lighting, balances the speakers, and reads up on some books until 8 P.M. Then she goes home. Every Wednesday and Friday, after school, she drops off her laundry at the Laundromat where her mother works, and goes to her fencing class. At this point, she is an instructor more than a student, for she had surpassed her master in skill three years ago. Now, she simply attends for familiarity rather than learning, and always looks forward to being a tutor for those who couldn't grasp the skills they needed.

Messages In This Thread
Re: Petty Squabble [It's another Grand Battle] [Signups open!] - by GBCE - 04-05-2011, 04:49 PM