Petty Squabble [ROUND 3] [Goldhenge]

Petty Squabble [ROUND 3] [Goldhenge]
Re: Petty Squabble [It's another Grand Battle] [Signups open!]
Originally posted on MSPA by PlumFinder.

Yessss, I hope this isn't first come first serve.

Username: Plumfinder
Name: The Puppeteer (mostly, though, he goes by false names)
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Color: #7F5217
Weapons/Abilities: The Puppeteer is armed with one Standard-Issue BoltGun, fully charged, and therefore capable of firing twelve shots. When hit by a shot, the target is stunned for approximately ten minutes. The bullets have been upgraded with a Target Lock, which makes them able to alter their course slightly towards the target. This can turn near misses into hits, and makes the shots difficult to dodge, though not impossible. They are not homing bullets.
He also has a injector with Lox-venom up his sleeve. The venom kills instantly, but the injector can only be used once.
Mostly though, these two weapons are safety precautions, not supposed to be used. The Puppeteer has one weapon which should render all the others unneccessary: His brain. The Puppeteer is highly skilled in making other people do his bidding, knowingly or not. His plans rarely go awry.
Description: The Puppeteer is a portly man in his forties, with flaming red hair but an otherwise unremarkable face. He wears suits most of the time, as befitting of a man sitting in the president's chair, which is technically where he sits. Most of is manipulations happen from that spot, so he doesn't often wear anything else. He has, however, some experience with fieldwork, when he has to take on the role of a lesser man. On these occasions, he manages to dress quite stylishly in the required fashion.
The Puppeteer is the typical 'Man behind the screens', except he is much more than typical. He is the best. He can almost never be found in a position of power, preferring to stay in the background. However, he is, in practice, the one holding the positions. His most important seats include: President of the Universe, Leader of the Opposition (which frequently goes against the President's wishes), TribeLord of the Vengeance (a race of aliens who got driven from their homeplanet by the humans and seeks revenge), Director of Zuma Spacecrafts, and Supreme Judge.
He goes by many different names, obviously. His real name, the one he was born with, is unknown to mankind, and he went to great lengths to remove every mention of him from history. Some of his favorite names are: James Black, Brian Perator, Argl S'zin, and Violet Freehair.
Biography: The Puppeteer grew up as the heir to a small business making star cruisers (Zuma Spacecrafts). The business was floundering, and it was obvious to everyone his inheritance would be mostly debts with the space mafia. It was a wellknown fact that Zuma Spacecrafts had borrowed a lot of money from them, and it would be a matter of time before they went after the owner for retribution. The Puppeteer's father did all he could to transfer ownership to his son as soon as possible.
When the Puppeteer was 14, two weeks before ownership would be transferred to him, he used his position inside the business to bankrupt it, preventing it from becoming his. His father suffered the consequences, and was assassinated shortly afterwards.
The Puppeteer spent the next five years on the University of Farbank, studying Economy. His study was paid for by a trustfund of unknown origin. The University never looked closely into it, but if they had they could've traced it all the way back to the University itself. By the time The Puppeteer finsihed his study, he had honed his skills of manipulation. He submerged himself in the large and complicated economy of the Universal Alliance, and never resurfaced. At the same time, however, several cunning bussinessmen started gaining control of the entire economy. It was at this point that the Puppeteer shed his old identity, and became the multiple identities he still is today.
While he spent years and years rapidly gainign supreme control of every aspect of the galaxy, there's one plot that deserves special attention:
In the year 7834, when the Puppeteer was in his thirties, the Vengeance started striking major blows to the defence of the Universal Alliance. The president of the Universe met his end during one of these strikes, and a new one woul dhave to be elected, and fast. The choice would go between the two large factions in the Universal Politics: The Blue Party and the Yellow Party. Their views on how to govern the Universe were radically different, and the difference was predicted to be small.
One week before the actual voting started, a single journalist uncovered a horrible truth. The leader of the Blue Party, James Black, and the leader of the Yellow Party, Violet Freehair, were in fact the same person! The effects of this revelation were clearly noticable in the following election. A third Party, insignificant in the Universal Politics, and therefore free of corruption, was the big winner. Their leader became the new President of the Universe. The people never found out that they had been toyed with. The new President of the Universe had been the vicitim of blackmail by the Puppeteer for several years, and the moment he got his office, he signed a paper handing the position to the Puppeteer. The man still appears to be president now, but is not really in control of anything. There are very few people in the universe who are aware there is one man in control of mostly everything. The few who are, have no idea who he is or what position exaclty he holds. The two or three humans in the entire universe who do know that know better than to tell anyone. They have comfortable lives in high positions, helping the Puppeteer extend his influence even further.
As of now, the Puppeteer is getting bored with the universe. He has as close to complete control as he can possibly get, and spent the last two years looking into ways to enter other universes.

Messages In This Thread
Re: Petty Squabble [It's another Grand Battle] [Signups open!] - by GBCE - 04-02-2011, 06:57 PM