The thread for flipping shits (and tables)

The thread for flipping shits (and tables)
Re: The thread for flipping shits (and tables)
god I post in here a lot okay

so it's senior year and I'm in the play as well as band as well as helping kids learn math so naturally I'm super busy. This week in particular was a very busy one with a concert going up and a math test on friday and some therapy appointments

so naturally this is the week my immune system decides to be a little bitch and give me a sore fucking throat the first half of the day and terrible leg cramps the second. I feel absolutely terrible and the goodwill I was coasting on since seeing The Muppets has basically fucking evaporated. And I can't take the day off tomorrow because I'm just too fucking busy to afford it.

knowing my luck I'll have this shit until sunday/monday evening, preventing me from getting a single sick day.

Messages In This Thread
Re: The thread for flipping shits (and tables) - by MaxieSatan - 12-15-2011, 02:02 AM