Crazy Idea: Let's start up a group project!

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Crazy Idea: Let's start up a group project!
Re: Crazy Idea: Let's start up a group project!
Other idea I had was to make a pen and paper wargame together.

Maybe like Eaglehammer40000? Or Eaglerfworld? I don't really know, since I have not actually played wargames yet, but I always enjoyed turn based combat of games like Heroes Of Might and Magic, and I know some basic things from a Mass Combat GURPS Supplement.

I had two version of this idea:

#1: Conquer the world

Balanced game with unit buying,factions and cities and such. Factions would start out from a singe tiny town, and take over the world until there is only one faction left, or the Time Limit is reached.
Pros: More interesting and larger world, possibility to RP out certain negotiations.
Cons: Too much bookkeeping. Takes a very long time to finish. Battles have to be very abstract.

#2: Skirmish
Small scale battles, with more emphasis on tactics then strategy. More in depth combat. The gameplay would be based on "what if" scenarios like "Can an army composed from these units take over the Haast Mines defended by these units?" or "Can two dire walruses defend a castle full of traps from 100 Shovel Imps?" .
Pros: Less bookkeeping, short. Can use lot of interesting battle setups with less consequences.
Cons: Maybe too short. Severely limits participant numbers. Not balanced, just experimental play.

So, what do you think?

Messages In This Thread
Re: Crazy Idea: Let's start up a group project! - by ProfessorLizzard - 12-03-2011, 03:32 PM