The Sparkklechix In: Mystery of the Missing Milk

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The Sparkklechix In: Mystery of the Missing Milk
Re: Sparkklechix In: The Mystery of The Missing Milk


[Image: nZEaD6f.png]

You awake with a start to the repeated honkings coming from Aunt Cindy's Magic VW Camper Van. You stumble out of bed, head downstairs and let her in, because lets face it, if you left the others to their own devices Aunt Cindy would probably be stuck outside forevermore. You push the door open and immediately the raucous honking ceases. The driver's side door of Aunt Cindy's lime green camper van opens and she steps out, dressed in a pair of jeans and a forest green shirt. Her eyes are obscured by rose tinted glasses, and as usual she has a cigarette lodged in the side of her mouth. She makes her way up to the house and gives you a warm hug.

"Debs!" she says with a wicked grin. "How are you kiddo?"

"I'm fine Aunt Cindy." You reply sleepily. You take the opportunity to snatch the cigarette from her mouth. "No smoking in the house, remember? These things'll kill you."

"Don't worry about it Debs." Aunt Cindy says. "I keep telling you: I get killed by a dragon while fleeing from the Cybernazis at age 92. I can smoke all I want." She pulls from her pocket another pack of cigarettes, and goes to light one up.

"Soothsayers are charlatans who will tell you whatever it takes to get you to hand over the local currency." You snap, grabbing the packet of cigarettes from her. She folds her arms and affixes you with a disapproving glare. "Our house, our rules." You say, and head off upstairs to get dressed before she can argue with you.

As usual you're the last one into the bathroom, and the quickest by far. You brush your teeth, have a wash and run a brush through the mess that is your hair and without checking in a mirror you dash off downstairs, to the kitchen where as usual the other chix are arguing. Aunt Cindy is leaning back on a work surface, smoking a cigarette (somehow) and staying out of it.

"It was you wasn't it?!" Atasha demands, as she waves her index finger accusatorially in Mindy's face. "Admit it!"

"No!" Mindy replies huffily.

"Look, does it really matter?" Zafira asks. "It's not like it's the end of the world."

"It does matter!" Atasha snaps, rounding upon Zafira, who, brooking none of her shit, shoves her away and into one of the work surfaces. Atasha scowls and turns her attention upon you. "Deborah! It was you! You used the last of the milk didn't you?"

"If I had used the last of the milk I would have left a note on the bulletin board saying that we need to buy more milk, or had it been an appropriate time of day I would have done so there and then." You reply icily.

"Look Atasha." Sara says, "It's just milk. I will go to the corner shop and get some more."

"That's not the point!" Atasha snaps. "The point is someone used the last of the milk and won't admit it!"

"Atasha..." you ask, "did you use the last of the milk?"

"No!" she snaps. "Someone used the last of the milk and we're going to find out who." She pushes past you into the hall, and then turns back. "Aunt Cindy?" This was met with a general wail of irritation from the chix.

"Do we really have to waste this opportunity to travel through time and space to go back to yesterday and see who drank the last of the milk?" You ask plaintively.

"Yes!" Atasha snaps, grabbing her coat and heading outside. You and the rest of the chix look to Sara.

"It is her turn." She says reluctantly.

"... I should have just had it black." Aunt Cindy says, as she follows Atasha outside. With a palpable lack of enthusiasm you all head out, naturally you lock up, and pile through the beaded curtain into the back of Aunt Cindy's magic Camper van. In a stark contrast to her usual cheery speech she gives before you plunge headlong through time, Aunt Cindy says "Let's get this over with then." and back through time you go. You all peer through the windows at the outside of your house, but in the past. If it wasn't for the fact that it is later in the day you wouldn't have been able to tell the difference.

"Now you know the rules about interacting with your past selves right?" Aunt Cindy asks. You all know the rules about interacting with your past selves: don't. You should probably figure out a way to make sure that this doesn't happen, god knows none of the others are going to actually try to think about the problem.


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