WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!??!? MAFIA N5: nothing happened

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WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!??!? MAFIA N5: nothing happened
Re: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!??!? MAFIA D3: Nobody started the bomb
Originally posted on MSPA by Boogeyman5870.


I picked a great time to commit to posting a bunch of reads huh?

Fair warning. This is the worst rainbow readwall thing ever. Ever. I have no idea what is happening. I started these as regular reads, but my sleep meds are hitting me pretty hard at the moment. I have no idea what's going to come of this, but it kinda seems like it fits with this game.

Paranoia - Not at all a fan of these typing quirks. Drops in sparingly with big reads and accusations obscured by quirkiness and is then gone again.
Solaris - Cop cleared! Almost certainly not scum. My theory yesterday was 3p, and I'm not convinced that's not the case. Completely unhelpful to anyone regardless of alignment. Also adds about 1000000x more fun to this game, and got ice cream night one while being roleblocked.
Ixcalibur - Has extremely similar shenanigans to Solaris, but they don't have a cop clear. Lynching Ix would provide some insight as to what is happening in Solaris' slot.
TehPilot- TehBusdriver. Not perfect, and his role's sudden quirk out was pretty weird in particular. Almost certainly town with Tea's flip though. May have the magical ability to always drive a kill.
konec 0 - Helpful, active, and probably town.
crepuscularDissembler - Pretty helpful in general. Townish with solid reasoning in most places.
anacreon - Wrestles bears. If I were trying to make sense out of flavors and things in this game I would venture that since we are stuck in the woods and we have multiple kills running around, the bear could be an SK. There could also be no bear. Either way I really don't see whatever the hell this role's purpose is as being scum.
cuttlefishCuller - Giving out sketchy suicide ice cream? What? 3p probably.
Namboto - Cop with no cc as of yet, and I have to assume that would have happened at this point.
Mirdini - Helpful when around and you can decipher his shenanigans, but also disappears into the mists far too often. Maybe a ghost.
Boogeyman5870 - Love this guy.
Palamedes - Super active and is trying to do some town crap.
absoluteCertainty - Being saved solely by that cop claim. That no lynch thing was the worst, but I also don't see scum doing something that dumb. Another possible 3p or something. WHY IS EVERYONE A POSSIBLE 3P? WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY. Whatever. Probably town as much as I don't want to admit it.
curiousCat - It's cat. Who knows. Mildly helpful some of the time and then gone the rest.

So that was a barely coherent mess of awful. Nice.

Vote: Ix

Hopefully something less terribad tomorrow.

Messages In This Thread
Re: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!??!? MAFIA D3: Nobody started the bomb - by Boogeyman - 02-08-2013, 04:16 AM