WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!??!? MAFIA N5: nothing happened

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WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!??!? MAFIA N5: nothing happened
Re: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!??!? MAFIA N2: Two people fight with useless shit
Originally posted on MSPA by MalkyTop.


This time, however, TWO PEOPLE WERE MISSING WHAAAAAAAAAAAAT, what’s up with that?

“Does someone smell turkey?”

Indeed, there is the smell of turkey in the air and everybody goes ahead and moves on out and shit following their noses. Finally, someone shouts, “Oh dang, it’s Luneix.”

Luneix was the magificent Turkeytaur, a being made of half turkey and half taur. His strength was seriously super great and shit, y’know, and he was pretty goddamn sure he could just kill some peeps here and leave because he was THAT AWESOME. All he had to do was make sure to have suitable deaths for each one, or else his ULTIMATE STRENGTH wouldn’t work. He had a list of deaths that would correspond to each player, and during the day he could announce that he would kill someone a certain way. If he chose the correct death, then he would successfully kill that person and then be unable to be harmed for the rest of the day and the following night.

He was a Third Party Obliterator and his goal was to FIGHT HIS WAY ON OUT OF THE FOREST by killing four people and leaving the game. BUT DANG WHAT A FAILURE.

Ferfufle seems to be a fan of turkey. Do ghosts actually taste like what they are? WHO KNOWS.

But there’s one more person missing and this one was kind of hard to figure out BUT IT TURNED OUT TO BE SCHAZER WHO WAS STABBED A LOT, OH NO.

“I don’t think this technically has a ghost,” says Kurfufle, but somehow he manages to eat Schazer’s ghost anyways.

Schazer was a Nuclear Wessel, but one that was somewhat of a dud. She had actually been in the forest the whole time, abandonned and forgotten, but somehow managed to be carried up into the tour of the paranatural. She saw this as her chance to be able to fulfill her lifelong dream of EXPLODING. Exploding would really be nice. But she was a dud, and the only way she could be fueld up was through MISSPELLINGS. Were she to have blown up, she would have the ability to take someone out with her.

She was a third-party bomb (but not that sort of bomb) and her goal was to blow up by having the mod type 400 typoes. BUT UNFORTINUATELY THAT DIDN’T HAPPEN.

“So, anything else?” The ghost of Kerfufle asked. “No? Hm. Okay.”

Day will end four days from now, or February 9th, at 5 PM EST. With 15 alive, it takes 8 to lynch and 5 to soft lynch.


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Re: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!??!? MAFIA N2: Two people fight with useless shit - by MalkyTop - 02-05-2013, 04:22 PM