WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!??!? MAFIA N5: nothing happened

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WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!??!? MAFIA N5: nothing happened
Re: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!??!? MAFIA D1: Some guy died
Originally posted on MSPA by konec0.

one hour are you kidding why did i have to do sleeps


Dislike #192: don't get why MV would go off on Tea for #172. It seems pretty reasonable to me? and also the defense of Namboto's backtracking
also yeah even with the recent pala/MV exchange i realize it wasn't really explained WHY MV bullshitvoted(?) Cat in the first place.
#194: "Bit uncomfortable defending Namboto now" uhhh ok why was it an ok thing to do literally one post prior that's a bit odd - keeping in mind that Nam didn't post in between 192 and 194
and then Pala/MV goes down. MV plays actually really defensively at this point, kind of just turtling and not tossing out any opinions - he claims to have none tho. Which is kind of just really safe.
Tries to divert wagon onto Guy, and later, Pala.

Moving on, Tea:
Guy/Tea goes down early game, neither of whom really have much of a case against each other if you ask me. I actually find Guy the worse off of the pair coming off this, because yeah it kind of looks like he waited until Beru voted. And then Sanzh steps in with scummy scum scumbuckets
I digress.
I like #208.
Agree with Pala that he seems pretty scarce (comparatively) until the MV thing goes down, actually. Which is weird.


So, generally: more comfortable with a MV lynch.

Also, wonders how teawagon is a thing again. Tmrw I would like to bother Solaris about why he has been on Tea for literally the entire day
Would also like to have a closer look at Pilot; don't really want to go off on him based on Sanzh's scummybuckets.

Vote: Mister Viscreral

hopefully i don't get dayend ninja'd

Messages In This Thread
Re: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!??!? MAFIA D1: Some guy died - by konec0 - 01-26-2013, 08:37 PM