WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!??!? MAFIA N5: nothing happened

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WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!??!? MAFIA N5: nothing happened
Re: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!??!? MAFIA D1: Some guy died
Originally posted on MSPA by ClunkThiourea.

Hi! I've coded a Python bot to continually scrape this thread for votes and post the results on Reddit at this link (ideally the bot would just post here, but I couldn't figure out the API and there's a fantastic Python-Reddit library). The bot should update every time anyone posts in this thread.

If you'd like to use this, there are a few things that the players can do to help:
1. Please make votes like so: <b>Vote: PlayerName</b> (replace angle brackets with square brackets). Note the capitalized 'V' in 'Vote' and the space. Also, please spell player names correctly (including capitalization), and if you wish to color your votes, place the color tags outside the bold tags, like so: <color="red"><b>Vote: PlayerName</b></color>.
2. If you are quoting a post which has a vote in it, please unbold the vote, or the robot will think it is an actual vote. For example, Namboto quoted a post voting against him, so the bot now thinks he voted for himself. Namboto, you can fix this by posting <b>Unvote</b>.
3. Unvotes are not necessary; a new vote will automatically override your old vote. Therefore, for now, an unvote only serves to abstain, which I'm treating as a Nolynch vote. If abstains and nolynches are supposed to be different (I'm not familiar with Mafia rules so I'm not sure), I'll implement Nolynches as well.
As a side note, if you have a Reddit account, please do not post anywhere on that subreddit (r/mspamafiabot) as it will make the bot extremely confused and I will have to implement some additional stuff to filter out the chaff.
If your current vote is messed up, revoting or unvoting in the standard format (and following the above rules from now on) will fix the problem, since the bot only looks at the last vote.

MalkyTop, if you'd like to help, it would be great if you could post the livelist in a special format to help the bot find it. It'd be ideal to put a bit of invisible text at the bottom of each day-start post (not necessary for night-start posts) like: "DAY3DATA;Palamedes;anacreon;A Killer Cuppa Tea;LYNCH5;HAMMER6;ENDDATA". That's just the general idea; if there's any other information you think is relevant (i.e. which the bot should include in votals), we can discuss that and come up with a standard format.
On the other hand, if you don't want to use the bot at all, that's fine too; I'll remove this thread from the bot's watchlist and won't bother you again.

Some people will have seen this post "magically appear" because I am a Wiggler and this post had to go through the spam queue before it appeared. When it passed through the queue, it was inserted a couple of posts behind the most recent one.
This is also the same reason I am editing this post instead of posting a new one, because it would not appear instantly and it is possible that further confusion would occur.

Messages In This Thread
Re: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!??!? MAFIA D1: Some guy died - by OTTO - 01-22-2013, 10:44 PM