Hip-Hop Squirrel Epidemic: Chinese Cardboard Revolution

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Hip-Hop Squirrel Epidemic: Chinese Cardboard Revolution
Re: Hip-Hop Squirrel Epidemic: Chinese Cardboard Revolution
AgentBlue Wrote:GreyGabe: Here's where you can drop off that Completely Moronic Spiked Cardboard Armor of Excruciating Uselessness!
GreyGabe barges unceremoniously into this adventure.

[Image: 95zmvc.jpg]

“Oh, hey. Don’t mind me. Just dropping this off… hold up a sec. Tacos.”

He fixes himself a taco.

“*munch munch munch* Hey, that’s some pretty good guac. Anyway, just dropping off this Completely Moronic Spiked Cardboard Armor of Excruciating Uselessness. Hopefully it will bring you as much joy as it’s brought me. Uh, it’s pretty good. There’s… uh, there’s some Duct Tape in there! There’s that. And, uh… some bits of Pineapple. Oh, and sPikes. Lots of those. sPikes. On the inside. *crunch crunch* So it might be a tiny bit ah… blindingly painful to actually wear it. Anyway, toodles.”

[Image: 2wnny84.jpg]

GreyGabe wanders off, leaving behind the Completely Moronic Spiked Cardboard Armor of Excruciating Uselessness. Wait, did he pay for that taco?

Dragon Fogel Wrote:>Perspective Switch: Hong and Ya, who have been conducting a highly effective campaign of guerrilla warfare over the course of the past two years while you were selling tacos, and are still wondering where the hell you are.

[Image: 16jr415.jpg]

Yeah, whatever happened to your great and wise leaders, anyway? The squirrel menace is as yet unabating. Their tenacity is unmatched, their rhymes, supah fly. Still, you’re hanging in there. You were even able to afford this cool command center. With high ceilings, of course. Hong was always bumping his head before. You also managed to free several key Chinese cities, identify a pair of spies in your ranks, and found out the identities of some key squirrel players… or playas, if you will. Anyway, what’s next on the rebellion’s itinerary?
Besides hiring a halfway decent cartographer.
[Image: j5xngn.jpg]

Messages In This Thread
Re: Hip-Hop Squirrel Epidemic: Chinese Cardboard Revolution - by GreyGabe - 11-22-2011, 05:23 AM