Pics or it Didn't Happen [Photoventure]

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Pics or it Didn't Happen [Photoventure]
Re: Pics or it Didn't Happen [Photoventure]
btp Wrote:Summon a tiny fort of crisp refreshing coke to cool the lukewarm book.
Sorry, but you can only summon one can at once. Gaining levels in Cokeomancy increases the number of cans per day you can summon, but you need to finish the one you're drinking before you can summon another.

btp Wrote:Or maybe call one of your friends with a more thermal related ability.
Schazer Wrote:Initiate global cooling.
Hahaha, ha. Ha.

[Image: Pics016.jpg]

Even if he was an actual friend and not a fictional character from a video game, you wouldn't dare calling him after 1:30AM again. He made it very clear last time that he has a warm White Russian at 1:25 and is asleep by 1:30 every night, and he absolutely hates being woken up.

Dragon Fogel Wrote:>What's the temperature like outside? Maybe you can stick it out the window.
[Image: Pics017.jpg]

You're not sure, but you think it might be fairly cold out there.

Of course, there is a screen in the way, and even if you could get past it, it's very dark out there. You're pretty sure you'd just lose your book if you put it out the window.

> _

Messages In This Thread
Re: Pics or it Didn't Happen [Photoventure] - by Pinary - 11-15-2011, 12:54 AM