Good News Everyone!!! (The joysplosion thread)

Good News Everyone!!! (The joysplosion thread)
Re: Good News Everyone!!! (The joysplosion thread)
Did i mention it is also totally okay to be super jealous in this thread? As long as it is in a "oh man I am also super excited for you!"

Oh man Schazer I am also super excited for you! Agricultural engineering was what got me in to studying biology initially. I just the idea of taking a bunch a plants and screwing around with them because, who cares? they're plants. and then maybe getting something awesome out of the mix. Of course I live in Houston which is mainly an oil/medical center and really not that big on agriculture. But yeah keep us updated! (also pictures are probably very appropriate).

On a joy-note. I really like typos. Which is a very good thing because I make them ALL THE TIME. They're just little mistakes that make me smile now and again. Like how I've spent a good Chuck of my time here.

Schazer if you husbandrise ladybirds do they become Mrsbirds?

Messages In This Thread
Re: Good News Everyone!!! (The joysplosion thread) - by btp - 11-14-2011, 06:11 PM