Pics or it Didn't Happen [Photoventure]

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Pics or it Didn't Happen [Photoventure]
Re: Pics or it Didn't Happen [Photoventure]
Godbot Wrote:> Ignore Pepsi; acquire Coke
[Image: Pics005.jpg]

First off, I think you mean conjure, not acquire. You're a level 15 Cokeomancer, after all, and what's the good of putting all those points towards Cokeomancy if you can't conjure unlimited amounts of crisp, refreshing Coca-Cola?

Secondly, what are you, racist? Pepsi and Coke aren't all that different, and you for one don't discriminate.

MrGuy Wrote:> Go to the kitchen and get a bagel, or some other breakfast carbohydrate.
You really wish you could, but the floor outside your door is MAD squeaky. You're not going to go out and risk waking people up unless you're going to bed, and you don't plan to do that any time soon. I mean come on, it's only 2AM. The night is young!

Superfrequency Wrote:> Add my emotes to Eagle Time

You don't want to do work, it's 2AM. Now isn't the time for productivity!

Coldblooded Wrote:Erase the letters i and n from incomplete and congratulate yourself on a job well done.
[Image: Pics006.jpg]

Come on, really? This thing's a gaming abstraction, you can't just go changing it willy-nilly. That'd be rude!

Ixcaliber Wrote:> Fashionably accessorize your face.
[Image: Pics007.jpg]

You equip your Fashion Accessory to your face.

So fashionable.

Fabricati Wrote:> Look Room.
You perform a cursory examination of your room.

[Image: Pics008.jpg]

You start off with the wire shelves that are to the right of your desk. Some items of note are an antique computer, a pair of neckties, a lab coat, and a monitor that makes that really high-pitched whine that drives you nuts so you don't really use it anymore. Your netbook is in its case, which is that grey bit behind the chair-back.

[Image: Pics009.jpg]

Next, you look at your desk. It's a desk. You've got a laptop, a desktop, a pair of monitors, an oscillating fan, a couple of clocks that the gremlins love messing with, and a bunch of other stuff. Your box of mysteriousness is on the left there, but only because you dug it out recently and gave opening it another go. (You failed. Again.)

[Image: Pics010.jpg]

Here we have your non-wire shelves. Among the things on it, you've got some books, some DVDs, a Tri-D Chess set, and a tiny refrigerator designed for a single soda can but not really insulated enough to be effective at cooling it.

btp Wrote:oh oh oh

I want to see you read a cool book.
[Image: Pics011.jpg]

You have a variety of cool books to choose from. (Not a huge one, but a variety nonetheless.) Which cool book do you want to read?

> _

Messages In This Thread
Re: Pics or it Didn't Happen [Photoventure] - by Pinary - 11-10-2011, 04:35 AM