Re: btp makes a thread because why the hell not
11-07-2011, 05:53 AM
These are hardly shitposts! These are poorly censored non-agressive non-insulting personally honest letting loose posts that I'm confining to a single chat thread. There will bee many facts and turths (not quite a truth) about myself and life and such that will probably be boring but who cares? Also I called that number it is not real (I didn't call it it might be real)
See those glasses have holes in them. Er no glass that is. and I need glass to see. Actually a specific type of glass to see and well those just aren't it. It was nothing. I saw a blur in a dress and I got close and creepy. And well later I saw that same blur but the glasses were there and that is the story.
Also "to creep" verb: To dress in a costume similar to the dancers in the lonely island video "the Creep" staring John Waters and to approach someone in a similar manner.
Thus creeping on girls
Specifically homestuckers
Also I made a pun
and then got a hug
and that was my trip to onicon in galveston texas.
See those glasses have holes in them. Er no glass that is. and I need glass to see. Actually a specific type of glass to see and well those just aren't it. It was nothing. I saw a blur in a dress and I got close and creepy. And well later I saw that same blur but the glasses were there and that is the story.
Also "to creep" verb: To dress in a costume similar to the dancers in the lonely island video "the Creep" staring John Waters and to approach someone in a similar manner.
Thus creeping on girls
Specifically homestuckers
and that was my trip to onicon in galveston texas.