Oh God Why: Day Three: IT'S LOOOOOOSE (18/30)

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Oh God Why: Day Three: IT'S LOOOOOOSE (18/30)
Look, bartender, no offence but, well, are you entirely sure about your ability to handle a weapon whilst positively hammered? Oh, what am I saying, of course you can manage the bloody thing; from what you've teased about your past, I imagine you wouldn't be here if you couldn't. Honestly, I think you just need to sit down, to sit down riiiiiight there... oh? Okay, right, jolly good, sitting down probably isn't your thing, no, I agree. But seriously, how's about you do sit down, on this nice, comfortable chair, and in return I'll get you a drink. Yes, another. You shouldn't really be having any more, I don't think, but you could probably do with it. Calms the nerves, apparently. From my own experience it either calms or nerves... listen, let's be quite clear; you're on the run, I don't know why, and you've ended up trapped in this ghastly situation with us lovely bunch of mass-murdering fuckheads and our accompanying mass-murdering wardogs/spiders/ghosts/fungi, and, um, you're not coping well. I guess the meth might not be helping, but then neither is the alcohol, or the gun... well, what I'm trying to say is, do you just want to talk? We can sit down, share a pint or a glass or a mug if you want to (I could put the kettle on, rustle up some scones, that sort of thing, if you feel like it) and you can tell me every little stupid thing that's curdling your heart, your thoughts, your story, your troubles (if you want to), and I'll listen. I swear, I'll listen. Bartenders spend so much time listening to the rants and the rambles of others, and that must get so tiring, especially when you have problems of your own - I get the feeling you've not had anyone to talk to about them. Nobody there to confide in, no one to help you cope, so in desparation... well, let's not go there. Come on, what do you say? I mean, if you don't want to, that's perfectly fine, but, heh, the offer's here. If you want help. Please. Think about it. Gosh, sorry, I'm really not good with people. I hope I haven't said anything wrong. Forgive me, like I'll forgive you. Please. Talk to me...

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