Godhood XIV - Usurper [Jam Edition Turn 4]

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Godhood XIV - Usurper [Jam Edition Turn 4]
RE: Godhood XIV - Usurper [Jam Edition Turn 3]
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With a flurry of sparkling dust, the Manacled Meanderer frees the Sirona from their state of impotence. To the Nomads he grants physical limbs, to the Cavern-Dwellers, a mental one. The Compassionate Craftsman, hoping to mitigate the conflict that inevitably rises from such a division, visited the leaders of the Sirona in a vision. Declaring his divinity [and the existence of others], he sought to impress upon the Sirona the basics of agriculture, with emphasis on that which would suit their lifestyles.

The Divinity of Mist expands the watersphere to a truly gigantic size while ensuring that it does not crush those who live beneath.

The Undying King imbues the Sirona with a strong sense of hierarchy and the inclination to be led. Respect for leaders and authority would, he believed, lead the Sirona towards the development of true civilization.

The Dutiful Divinity expresses his thanks, and diversifies Trovat’s flora with a creeping Woodvine and a tangled, floating forest. The Childish Deceiver transforms the second of these into an ever changing maze, and makes another such twisted forest on Zemina from evergreens. He proposes that the forest might be an ideal home for carnivores, but it is swiftly pointed out that there would need be substantial incentive for prey to brave such a treacherous locale.

A large portion of the Nomadic Sirona are forcibly migrated to Zemina by the Ghostly Tyrant. Their bodies are substantially altered to suit the more challenging location, and on their spirits they feel the touch of the divine; a leader greater than any of their mortal imitations. Thus they became Vedorci.

Sirona’s Creator is outraged. To the Sirona of Trovat, he shows a vision of their creation, and that of the Vedorci, looking to defame his meddling contemporary. The Meaning of Living takes offense at the Tyrant’s low opinion of Trovat, and blankets the planet in towering bamboo, complemented by a population of otter-like Pandina fish.

The Angsty Godling, sick of the territorial posturing, links together the Lost Forests of Zemina and Trovat. The vastly different atmospheres are strangely reconciled in its depths; what seems a pond or stream may in fact prove to be a gate to the other world. A stern lecture spurs the Profanity Spewing Divinity to even more audacious actions. First he links the Lost Forests to the Plane of Souls.

Then he ignites the watersphere of Trovat.

The Twinned Dragon deals with the first action as part of a grand improvement of the Plane of Souls. They limit the presence of the Lost Forest to the transitional land of Zabrav, and hide the portals to the mortal plane well. They raise a pedestal before a mountain, and atop the mountain they form the Gate of Reincarnation. Though no judge yet exists to decide a soul’s destination, the Dragon of Duality prepares two: hellish Narakh, and serene Sthani. When a soul at last enters either of these permanent afterlives, they are considered entirely separate from the realm of the living, and the Divinities may interact with them at no cost whatsoever.

The second divine reptile, the Snake of Cycles, deals with the paltry, harmless tantrum flames in a most novel fashion. He turns the flame into a perpetual phenomenon and seasonal wave, and instructs it to target none but life near the end of its natural span. Reality may appear much abused to permit such an absurdity as an underwater flame--but such is simply the nature of Divinity.


What strange nature have these bright caretakers

Let us begin with the events that unfolded exactly as anticipated.

The Fungi of Gakba’s Belt proceeded to make a slow recovery, though they are still not back to their former abundance.

(It is perhaps not coincidental that this was the sole area of creation not acted upon this era.)

Next, a short list of events which could have been anticipated in the broadest strokes.

The Sirona and descendant Vedorci developed more advanced societies, though we shall discuss the particulars of these later.

The Nomadic Sirona and Cavern-Dwelling Sirona were at odds with each other.

Some souls used the Gate of Reincarnation.

A fire swept over Trovat each season.

Primitive worship began to take shape.

But I shall tease you no longer, and tell you of events--


A bud’s first scent fades quickly

Lapped up and transformed

From fleeting “promise” to nuanced “certainty”

Of promise secured and made flowing as nectar

To all insects who are thusly drawn,

Butterfly, maggot; honeybee, wasp;

This is knowledge is instinctive.


How furiously they flutter before the flame.

-- as they unfolded.

The Cavern Sirona live in abundance, and at first take up farming not out of need, but of a combination of curiosity, boredom, and respect for authority. After all, the bamboo and woodvines seem to grow almost faster than they can be removed, and the algae seems plentiful enough if one ventures high enough. But the knowledge came from the dreams of authority, and the dreams were said to reveal a still greater hierarchy, and so, though puzzled, they obeyed.

When the Fire swept the world, consuming not only the aged but also any who had the misfortune of being too close, they realized the wisdom of it, for when the season of Flame descended they could retreat to their caves and feed on the preserved food without fear. With such foresight, the God who had enlightened them must surely be the King, protecting them from a malicious Demon. And though those who had the original visions were gone, consumed by the Flame, they recalled vaguely a description of a greater being that seemed to fit.

The days passed in relative peace for the Cavern Sirona, who now felt they had a good understanding of the universe and their place in it. They were blessed by the Gods, and misfortune at the hands of Demons awaited those who strayed from the path set down for them-- those who had left their divinely granted home and those who allowed themselves to be called away to the Empty Realm. They had even settled, at last, on an explanation of their telekinesis, as a tool granted to them by the God (or perhaps by one of his subordinates, such as the one revealed in a later vision, the Creator), so that they might carry out his will, and thought little of it, until a group of Nomads re-appeared.

They looked different, decorated themselves strangely, their speech was different, and it was evident that they had not been blessed with the gift of the God, despite what they claimed. Many pointed out their resemblance to the ones in the Creator’s tale, those spirited away by the King of the Demons (As they had placed him in their understanding of the pantheon), and on that ground alone thought to drive them away. Nevertheless, the Cavern Elders, in their wisdom, sought first to negotiate with them, and their will was obeyed.

They thought to offer the Elarti Nomads safety, purpose, and enlightenment in exchange for their exotic animals and aid in caring for them--an exchange the Cavern Dwellers believed to be more than generous. They said they would consider it. It was viewed as acceptance, though less enthusiastic than expected, and so over the following weeks the Cavern Sirona took it upon themselves to civilize their newest citizens, teaching them the proper way to live and gently but firmly correcting their heretical beliefs.

Imagine their shock when the Nomads left, following the wandering Elarti without a backwards glance. It was only after that the Cavern Dwellers began to piece together an understanding of the Nomads, the extent of their heresy.

They considered the Elarti Trees to be divine creatures, and that through following and caring for them they would be closer to the gods. They considered what the Cavern Dwellers knew to be the King God to be a mere Messenger--and one whose messages could be recieved through the Elarti Trees, and to a lesser extent the Pandina fish. They did not spurn the Empty Realm, but viewed it as a blessed realm; taking refuge there during the Season of Flame, and even leaving offerings as thanks. They placed the Creator as the leader of the Pantheon, and while they agreed that the Fiery Demon and King Demon were horrible, they did not view the latter as an inevitable tormenter of those who wandered from the God’s Path, but merely something akin to a rogue trickster god, tweaking the noses of his superiors.

The Cavern Elders reached a decision. The Nomads had been presented with the truth, and they chose to spurn it. Using rough stone, javelins were shaped from the bamboo. When the next tribe of Nomads wandered near, they did not hesitate to slaughter them.


To have the scent suddenly swell

And then fade with a sickly gasp

Something is amiss.


Flower fed on bile of unmakers, of traitors and of fakers

And what of those spirited away by the Divinity of Authority, the new-made Vedorci?

They were at first confused and disoriented, as would any upon such a sudden change of circumstance. But they felt comforted and protected by something greater than themselves, and when they saw Trovat burning, they gave thanks that they were saved.

As they explored their new home, they discovered an element of danger absent from their home. The luminous Maso seemed a constant threat. Weather was unpredictable. People would vanish, and not always return. Other animals would eat the most desirable foods, and were not themselves sources of food. Insects would bite.

They looked for ways to protect themselves. Crude weapons were shaped from bits of stone, branches, and vines. They built shelters of mud and grass, and never traveled alone. They tried to coax the fruiting vines to grow nearby, with some success. It was slow, but definite progress.

The souls of the dead were quick to investigate the new features of their plane. They were unable to enter either afterlife, and quite perplexed by the pedestal and sign, entirely lacking a written language. Though divine script does its best to accommodate understanding, most of the message was, as they say, lost in translation. Most came away with a vague idea that they were waiting for something.

A handful of souls braved the mysterious gateway and were re-incarnated, though not all were fortunate enough to be reborn as ensouled creatures. Others wandered into the Lost Forest, but they were few enough, aimless enough, and perhaps unfortunate enough that they did not happen upon a path back to the mortal realm.

The Energy of New Beginnings provides everyone with four acts.

The Energy of New Beginnings fades significantly.

And still they know not yet the game.


Chamenos: 0+9=9

Dalibora, Abselon: 2+11=13

Pacian IX: 1+9=10

Phwem: 0+8=8

Borlung: 4+9=13

Macian Scelle: 4+9=13

Alakim: 1+10=11

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RE: Godhood XIV - Usurper [Jam Edition Turn 3] - by Whimbrel - 04-22-2013, 04:59 AM