Godhood XIV - Usurper [Honey Edition Turn 3]

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Godhood XIV - Usurper [Honey Edition Turn 3]
RE: Godhood XIV - Usurper [Honey Edition Turn 3]
Craft wanders off to the Atrium, which has been left mostly neglected this turn. He doesn't quite arrive where he planned on the ring, but that's fine because, you know, it's a ring and he started somewhere on it.

There's... there's too many flying things without... landy predators. We need more fying *clack* flyig *clack* floatee win-ged predators, for the good of the food specturn.

Craft leans in. There is a brief flash of light, and a tiny little sneeze.



The Lygiswyrms who flew around Bacardi's ascent were always a relaxed lot. Relatively content with life, they rarely had to worry too much about the salamandraes this high up, and the sylphids were relatively few and far between. Life was pretty good, and the air was filled with music.


And sneezing, apparently.

One plump lygiswyrm looked up, to see a small creature.

The creature had a shell, from which 6 flippers and a head protruded. it had green skin, with pitch-black eyes, and it seemed to be flying.

The wyrm looked over it with curiosity. The strange creature sneezed again.

Oh, wait.

There were two of the little terrapins, now. "T'shoo!" No, three. "T'shoo!" Four?

The wyrm was in the middle of a building flock. With every sneeze, the small creatures flocked.

Well, as long as the wyrm had an audience...


One sylphid, flying nearby, turned to look at a strange sight.

One of the noisy things was singing to a flock of new round things. The sylphid really didn't have the mental capacity to see much into that, and it wasn't that hungry, so it just turned away and kept flying.

Until the music was suddenly cut off, then replaced with a short screech before going terribly silent.

The bird looked back. The round things had converged on the noisy thing, which couldn't be seen through the mass of round things. The bird was just smart enough to reckon that the round things were eating the noisy thing, and that if they weren't full afterwards it was time to fly away really, really fast.

As it moved to turn, the round things split up again.

The sylphid couldn't see the noisy thing at all. All it could see were lots of little green things, looking at it, with just a trace of a smile.


A'Chooins have been introduced to the Atrium! They are small, green, six-winged flying turtles, named after the noise they make to summon their flock. They hunt down Lygiswyrms and Sylphids.(1 act)
+1 act for an aversion to the ground, to prevent them from eating the landy creatures. As a result, they tend to live out over the river-ring, allowing them to drink without getting to close to solid ground.
+1 act for their eggs to be filled with lightweight gases, allowing them to float and be herded.
Total Expenditure: 3 acts
Craft has zero acts remaining this turn.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Godhood XIV - Usurper [Honey Edition Turn 3] - by Leafsw0rd - 04-16-2013, 08:24 AM