Godhood XIV - Usurper [Jam Edition Turn 4]

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Godhood XIV - Usurper [Jam Edition Turn 4]
RE: Godhood XIV - Usurper [Jam Edition Turn 3]
Abselon flashed a smile. "Ah, excellent. Our power grows greater by the minute. Finally, I can get some decent life go-"

"Not yet." Dalibora smirked at Abselon - a smirk he had seen all too many times. Dalibora was going to get her way yet again, which she pointedly demonstrated by gesturing toward the pitiful afterlife.

"Come on, Abselon, you want to make more life when this is all they get when they die? We're still being empowered by the life the others are making. They can handle it for now."

"Yeah, you saw how well they've handled the first sapients. No way to manipulate things, scarcely any other life on the planet. This universe needs my intervention." Abselon frowned. He already knew how this was going to turn out.

"Hey, they've already started fixing those things! You've got trust issues, Absey. Just let me fix up this afterlife a bit, and I'll let you play with the mortals next turn. Unless you want your precious mortals wandering in the darkness forever~"

"...Fine. Make it quick, though." Dammit. She was like this even before they shared a body, and that didn't make things any better. Abselon wasn't really sure whether she was endearing or grating, but she was certainly persuasive. That or he didn't have a spine. One of the two.

"Thanks, Absey! Now then, time to get to work..."

With a wave of her hand, Dalibora divided the Realm of Souls into three sections. The first of these, Zabrav, was identical to the current state of the afterlife as a whole. A generic, mountainous expanse, with few features of interest for the souls residing there. Naturally, this realm would only serve as an entry point rather than a permanent afterlife - the souls of the dead would at first be barred entry to either of the other realms.

The first of the permanent afterlives, Narakh, was essentially Hell. The mountains there were much more jagged, the air sulfurous, the skies a blood red. Fires erupted from the ground at random intervals, and the dead would be reduced to the physical abilities of the living, as well as the pain tolerance. It wasn't very tormentous yet, but that would come in due time. Besides, Dalibora wasn't about to throw in eternal torment without a chance for redemption. That'd just be cruel.

If Narakh was Hell, then Sthani, the other afterlife, was just the opposite. The mountains were covered in grass and trees, and lakes and rivers dotted the landscape, unfortunately devoid of life as of yet. The dead here were unrestricted from the physical laws that governed the living, free from pain and injury, free even from gravity. A bit boring as of yet, but Dalibora only had so much to work with, and there was still more to be done. All afterlives would gain periodic updates as time passed.

The most important rule of these afterlives, however, is that it was impossible for souls to travel between them, save for a method that Dalibora had already devised in the back of her mind. Just as importantly, perhaps, was the fact that the barrier between Zabrav and the mortal realm was much weaker than that of the other afterlives - as such, the gods could not freely interact with the souls in Zabrav. Only in Sthani and Narakh could they do so, due to the nature of the universe - no free interactions with those still connected to the mortal realm.

Chamenos had also linked the forests of the mortal realm directly to the afterlife - portals now limited to Zabrav alone. That simply wouldn't do. Can't just have souls and mortals freely traveling between realms. With a wave of her hand, Dalibora spread the forests into the dreary darkness of Zabrav, hiding the portals on both sides in the most obscure cracks and crevices of the dense foliage. Only the most determined - or the most unfortunate - would find themselves slipping through.

A vital feature of the afterlife was still missing, Dalibora observed. The souls needed a way in. And, of course, there needed to be criteria for entry into one afterlife or the other. Judgment was a must. And what better way to pass judgment than to create a judge?

Dalibora gazed at the highest mountain in Zabrav, and frowned. A proper Judge would require a far greater number of acts than she was able to spend on it. She'd have to wait a bit. For now, she simply wrenched a pedestal from the ground in front of the mountain, a great series of stairs spiraling around to the top. Souls who thought themselves ready to face their ultimate fate would ascend these steps and face the currently-absent Judge.

The criteria for judging would be simple, and were etched into the base of the pedestal - those who were remorseless murderers, thieves, liars, or of other undesirable natures were likely to be cast into Narakh, whereas those of some virtue or those who have redeemed themselves from aforementioned undesirable natures would be allowed entry into Sthani. She'd make this clear to the living later, but for now this would do. Although it was currently quite pointless - there was no Judge yet. She made a note of putting a sign on top that said "Judge coming soon! Apologies for the inconvenience. - Management"

That was good enough for now, but in spite of her lack of power Dalibora had one more thing to do. On top of the high mountain behind the pedestal, a swirling blue gateway was formed, only accessible to those determined enough to climb the mountain. Souls entering this gateway would have their memories wiped, and would be reincarnated into a body befitting of their nature, selected from all creatures in the universe, sapient or otherwise. A second chance for those who felt they were unworthy of judging.

A cycle, if you will.

Abselon turned from idly watching the creatures of the universe. "Finally done?"

"Not quite. Still lots to be done."

"Just... don't forget our agreement, okay?"

"Of course."

Dalibora has partitioned the afterlife [-1 act]
Dalibora has modified Narakh [-2 acts]
Dalibora has modified Sthani [-2 acts]
Dalibora has spread the forests into Zabrav and made crossing between them much more difficult [-1 act]
Dalibora has created a massive pedestal in front of the highest mountain in Zabrav, describing the criteria for judging [-1 act]
Dalibora has created the GATE OF REINCARNATION [-2 acts]

Total: [-9 acts]

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RE: Godhood XIV - Usurper [Jam Edition Turn 3] - by Anomaly - 04-13-2013, 10:52 PM