GreyGabe' WebQue t [Texting, Texting, 123]

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GreyGabe' WebQue t [Texting, Texting, 123]
GreyGabe' WebQue t [Texting, Texting, 123]
You are now GreyGabe, or just Gabe for short.
You are currently standing in your small house in the city of Eagle Town. It’s a fairly new settlement, and still fairly small. The air is fresh, the locals are friendly, and the laws fair but not restrictive. All in all, a pretty nice place. But you have to admit it… you’re itching for adventure.
So! That’s what you’ll do. You’ll go on an adventure. Unfortunately, your intentions in this regard were sensed in advance by whatever mercurial forces control this universe, so most of your adventuring equipment and skills have been stolen! Oh well. Starting from scratch isn’t so bad. You were at least left a few Internets to buy new stuff with. And you have some basic starting equipment.
You had better gear up before venturing outside of town, though. The world of Interwebs is a dangerous place for the unprepared… the land of Foratopia alone is filled with wandering Spambots, Trolls and Flamers, among other things. Fortunately the Modmin Guard protects the town from that sort of thing.

You are currently in Your House. In here are your Personal Chest, your Shopping Cart, your Fridge, your Console, and A Plethora of Cardboard Boxes.

Did you not mention that before? You just want to assure yourself that you aren’t going on an adventure just to avoid having to unpack your Plethora of Cardboard Boxes. That is so not the case, you have no idea.

To the South your Front Door leads out into Eagle Town proper. To the West is the Basement Door.
Your status is currently Pretty Good. You are currently wearing a T-shirt, jeans, sneakers, and your Amulet of Browsing. You are currently armed with Your Mitts. You are also carrying a Gallifreyan Satchel, which serves as your inventory.
You’d really like to get your hands on a Hammerspace of some sort, but even a small one is really expensive.

You’ll need to use your Shopping Cart to begin shopping for gear. You probably have enough Internets to afford some decent equipment. Still, you might find some stuff rummaging around your house, too. Hard to say. But ugh… so many boxes. It would take forever to Examine all of them.

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[Image: j5xngn.jpg]

Messages In This Thread
GreyGabe' WebQue t [Texting, Texting, 123] - by GreyGabe - 10-11-2011, 03:21 AM