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wow this game has a lot of players

Name: Kettleclatter
Race: Steam-powered humanoid construct. His body resembles a human skeleton made of brass pipes and hydraulic valves. His head is a teakettle with eyes, and he speaks by whistling and hissing words out of the valve.
Age: 7
Background: In the city of Miliria lived an alchemist who dreamed of creating life from inorganic materials. So he built a body out of pipes and hinges that could walk and talk. But it still needed a mind. He found a spell in an ancient codex that would probably do what he wanted, and he was so thrilled that he cast it immediately, without reading the fine print. In a shriek of hissing steam, his creation stood up, hissed "It's time to LIVE!", and then pushed the alchemist out of his window and ran off into the streets cackling. This spell did not merely imbue a motile body with life, it filled it with a singleminded and uncontrollable desire to live as much as possible. The contraption christened himself Kettleclatter, and began a mission to have every interesting experience in the world.
Personality: Kettleclatter is a dynamo driven by the need to see everything once. As long as he thinks things are interesting, he'll rush ahead maniacally. He gets bored extremely quickly, though. Also he doesn't care much about the feelings of others in either state.
Height: Average
Weight: Twig (thickness), Very Large (mass) (metal has a higher density than flesh ok)

Vitality: 10
Endurance: 9
Dexterity: 20 (he jerks and clatters almost too fast for the eye to see)
Intelligence: 6
Knowledge: 3
Speech: 2
Luck: 10

Class: Fencer- When Kettleclatter fights, it's all about style. Also, it's really funny to humiliate humans with his extreme speed.

Try Anything Once- Kettleclatter receives a bonus when he tries to rush through a task the first time, but a penalty to repeated attempts or doing something carefully.
I Laugh At These Inferior Fleshpuppets- Poison, cold, and electricity can't harm a creature made of brass. However, he thinks this is too funny to aid an ally who's being harmed by one of these forces.
Humiliate- Looking stupid is a fate worse than death. Kettleclatter can sacrifice the lethality of his attacks to instead damage the ego of his target.

Skill: Comical Disarm
Kettleclatter knocks an enemy's weapon away with such sleight of hand that they don't even know what direction it went or where to look for it.
"The parties are advised to chill." - Supreme Court of the United States, case opinion written by Justice Souter

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RE: DUNGEONQUEST: THE D20 GAME FOR EVERYONE - by TickTickTockTock - 04-12-2013, 07:57 PM