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Name: Sir Jairus von Shlickensberg IV

Race: Wisp
Wisps are noble, sentient, telekinetic gaseous beings who use their powers to affect the natural world. Many of them take the appearance of "spirits" in common folklore and have been associated with flames and ghosts, although wisps don't have power over either of those two. Most of them are quite happy to be left to their own devices, the lazy sods. They also change color depending on their mood.

Age: I like to tell everyone that I'm 25. Makes things less complicated.

Bio: Well, where to begin? I was granted knighthood by Her Most Graceful after saving her from a rather potentially nasty tree-falling accident that may or may not have been inadvertently caused by myself (telekinesis can be hard, you know). To exemplify myself as a wisp of such stature, I decided to wear the clothes of a nobleman. Ok, so I simply use my telekinesis to make clothes float around me, but hey, what else is a wisp supposed to do? I do have a fashionably durable glass sphere I got at a flea market. It also doubles as my voicepiece as I can vibrate it to produce sounds. Aren't I the handy fellow?

Personality: I'm a fun-loving, mischievous wisp. I have a hobby of pulling practical jokes with my telekinesis, which are loads of fun, although many of my colleagues tend to respond with a hammer to my sphere (which, I might add, is quite rude). But otherwise, I am the exemplary gentleman...wisp...thing.

Height: Average (Very Short if it's just the glass sphere)

Weight: Twig

Class - Trickster
Tricksters use their guile in battle to baffle and befuddle enemies. Sleight-of-hand, misdirection, and illusions are all part of the Trickster's arsenal. While not handy in the way of physical force, their persuasiveness and tricky nature (ho ho) can take the better of many brutes.

Vit: 1
End: 1
Dex: 11
Int: 10
Knw: 15
Spc: 15
Lck: 7

While my abilities are telekinetic in nature, I usually pull out a playing card to add a bit of flourish.


The Invisible Man
Controling the particles of air to deflect all light, rendering Jairus and allies invisible. The range of this effect and its power are inversely proportional

The Strong Man
Jairus can lift objects telekinetically and chuck them at enemies. The range of this effect and its power are inversely proportional.

The Shield Maid
With his telekinetic ability, Jairus can erect a psychic wall that deflects all attacks against him and allies. The range of this effect and its power are inversely proportional.


The Feisty Maid
Jairus uses his telekinetic powers to concentrate matter into a single point. Upon doing so, he can unleash it at an enemy at frightening speeds. The amount of matter used and the time taken to create it are proportional. (5-turn cooldown)

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RE: DUNGEONQUEST: THE D20 GAME FOR EVERYONE - by BestTeaMaker - 04-11-2013, 06:39 PM