04-10-2013, 06:04 PM
Name: Simon Adale
Race: Human
Age: 28
Background/bio/motive/etc: If you asked most people, they would say that Simon is bigoted, self-important, and all around just an awful person. If you asked him, he would just say that's exactly what every real human should be. After all, any other race is just inferior. Unfortunately, Simon was born with an incredible natural intellect, a mind for magic, a drive to pursue them to their fullest potential, and a cruelty to use them in the worst way possible.
Simon grew up in an average human town to a tanner and his wife, where his worldview was tempered/reinforced by the reinforced position of non-humans as second-class citizens that many average human towns usually have. His bigotry grew as his body did, and eventually he found his opinions and natural abilities too unappreciated as a tanner's assistant, traveling to the only magical academy that perfectly suited his views and tastes.
Personality: Neutral Evil, see class for more details as to why.
Height: Average
Weight: Average
Vitality: 5 (Blessed with a poor and sickly constitution to match a dark and sickly soul.)
Endurance: 3 (Humans were never the strongest of creatures, ones spoiled by magic even less so.)
Dexterity: 6 (Slights of hand and bursts of speed, both unnecessary and a sign of elfish tendencies if you asked him.)
Intelligence: 18 (All of this, and without any proper schooling - a terrible brilliance for such a terrible mind.)
Knowledge: 20 (He is a natural after all, well learned and trained in the arts of magic.)
Speech: 2 (There are those out there who would agree with him, but they are few and far between.)
Luck: 6 (Fortunately he's not particularly lucky, unfortunately he's never needed to be.)
Class: Racist Wizard (Spells and anything else he has to use to show up those lousy non-humans).
A long and proud form of wizardry, racist wizards are filled with a vast hatred of anything and everything that isn't them. So basically, their ranks are mostly made up of humans and elves. They have a begrudging tolerance of racist wizards of other races, as well as halfbreeds (as long as one of those halves are of their own race, otherwise ew). Most of their magic revolves around regular wizard spells or special spells specifically designed to hinder or harm people of a different species.
Racist Wizard - All spells deal damage based on target's race; in this case that means non-humans suffer extra damage and humans suffer less than normal damage. For half breeds, if one half is human, the target suffer regular damage. If neither half is, they suffer extreme damage because they are an abomination against nature. The inverse of this is true for positive magic, with only pure humans and half-humans getting any sort of real effect out of it. Note: If target looks like a human/non-human/halfbreed, they are treated as one unless caster knows otherwise.
Fuck you, Elf - If a friendly character who is not human performs some sort of stat-based feat of dexterity, agility, or skill (regardless of failure or success), Simon can attempt to perform the exact same action with a bonus to success. Bonus is based on how much worse his skill is than the other character's (greater if significantly worse, lesser if slightly worse/better).
Birds of a (terrible) feather - If another non-human character is met, who in some major way, shape, or form reminds Simon of himself (through being a terrible racist and self serving person) he will view them as being a bit better than they acutally are - non-humans will be like half humans to him, and half humans like regular humans (abominations are never good ever). On the other hand, humans or half-humans who do awful things like stand up for or identify with non-humans are viewed with contempt and treated as being no better than half-human and non-human scum (respectively).
Special: The Dark Execration - The Racist Wizard blasphemes the hell out of someone. He goes after them with reckless, shameless abandon, targeting everything about them - their creed, their religion, their species, the very fact that they are themselves bringing his fury to a boiling point, turning his expletives into pure, destructive magical energy directly down upon them. The magic is as uncontrollable as the Racist Wizard's rage towards other races, and will target everyone it can be directed at for large amounts of magical and mental trauma; friend, foe, as far as the Racist Wizard is concerned there is no such thing as a true, differently-raced victim (besides, what kind of ally is a non human, not an ally at all right?). Obviously this power cannot be used against one of the same race as the caster. Nothing is sacred. Everything is permitted. This special is not effected by any skills.
Cost is large to very large, depending on how many varied character apps come in/how evil the mod is in putting in enemies that match players' species. Also I plan to be the worst person and use this every time it is available, regardless of 'allies' (like I said, not a human? Not a real ally).