Godhood XIV - Usurper [Honey Edition Turn 3]

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Godhood XIV - Usurper [Honey Edition Turn 3]
RE: Godhood XIV - Usurper [Honey Edition Turn 2]
[Image: HoneyEnd.png]


The Glass Mallet begins the age by improving conditions on Seriba. He begins by thickening the atmosphere and oceans, and then, with three mighty blows, creates three new life forms in Seriba’s Scar; seven petaled flowers, six winged butterflies, and behorned bunnies.

With a splatter of ink, the Literary Lady scatters fertile asteroids about the Atrium and is greeted by the Self-Proclaimed Artisan.

The Wavering Whelp introduces an element of inspiration into the universe; a glittering crystal moon. It catches the emerald beams of Esmeralda and releases them into Seriba’s night. To live under that glittering moon and keep the Wolperams in check, the Eternal Smith crafts a leaping ambusher that crushes its prey.

The Three Sisters strengthened the Atrium’s river and set a functioning weather cycle into motion on its odd geometries. The Perpetually Shouting God joined asteroids of both the fertile and metal rich varieties together into vast continents, and rent some exceedingly awesome mountains into existence. Then, around the base of the loftiest mountain, he scattered water-like flowers and rose-capped grains.

The Elemental Sister becomes acquainted with the Clearly Science God, and later, with The Tiny Artisan. The Progressive Poet meditates on missed opportunities and rainbow dragons. In an asteroid cluster now named Philomela’s Nest, he brings forth the melodious Lygiswyrms, to the delight of all but those with pinched bottoms.

The Oracular Hound asks the Cavern-Bound what inspiration he has gleaned from the most tragic of missed opportunities. The Divinity of Curiosity, in response, creates slightly intelligent, burrowing beasts, fated by divine curiosity to uncover the fossils of false history, and all treasures that exist beneath the ground. For sustenance, he creates Moontubers and glowing truffles.

The Miniscule Mantis apologizes for any unintended offense given to the Molestation Machine, but gently requests that he refrain from making sizist remarks in the future. The Beast of Liquid Therapy requests to hear the tale behind the trauma, and as the Divinities gather, the tale is told, and recorded:

Craft was one of twenty three
Mortals raised to divinity
Crafted by A to B through Z,
But two were missing, don’t you see?

Firstborn Break, the Brass Cat
Ran away, and that was that,
Or so believed our divine sprat.
Not ‘till his hundredth ‘verse did they chat.

Craft believed they had a pact
To build together, when in fact,
Once he used his very last Act;
The universe, Break did hijack.

Break decided to revamp;
On Act gains he put a clamp--
And ruder still, that little scamp
Sealed his brother in a lamp.

Again and again spread misery
And held seven in captivity
Until ‘verse two one three,
When of Break, they broke free.

The Conversationalist prods for additional details, which are provided and added to the record she has made. The Newt of Memory proposes to immortalize the tale for mortals. The God of the Vibrating Chord engages the Lamp’s Light in a discussion about parasites, likely attempting to keep him from brooding on the dark subject that has been broached. The Divinity of Science carries on much as before.

He Who Sees Across Time recognizes the danger of this plot hook, but his concerns are dismissed as improbable by his peers--and as they do so they settle, one by one, into the vague outlines of an old pattern, one that lies beneath many a tale.

The Banner-Winged One added diversity to the life in the Atrium in the form of three new creatures and a flowering evergreen. Team HammerSmith retreat to continue their discussion in private.


Coronis continues to shape itself, slowly. A plate slips up on another, the beginning of a mountain range. Magma forms domes which merely cool, for now.

In Esmeralda’s Atrium, populations begin to show slight imbalances. While the Sylphids are not picky, the Salamandrae are not eating the adult Lygiswyrms, and cannot reach the tender, asteroid-dwelling babies. The Sylphid and Lygiswyrm populations swell without effective predators, but it’s not nearly a problem yet. The Saraswati and Salamandrae’s populations seem stable, but the Salamandrae themselves seem to have drastically shrunk, over the generations. They have taken to hunting in packs to take down the larger Saraswati.

Some Lygiswyrms have begun to incorporate the sounds of their fellow residents into their songs--they seem especially fond of the Sylphid’s bubbling voice.

On Seriba, the young species settle in. Mountain’s Luck predominates the landscape, while the glowing truffles hide below. The Moontubers seem to mainly grow on the tops of plateaus, or near the long coastal plains, where they can capture the full light of sun and moon.

The Moontubers are a staple of the Ursine Beasts’ diet, being easier to locate for harvest than the glowing truffles. However, they are most vulnerable when they venture above the ground, where the Boledroms wait to leap. Some Beasts decide to minimize the risk by subsisting solely on the Glowing Truffles, though they still must surface to find water; most Beasts instead begin to stockpile the Moontuber spuds in their burrows, even with the risk .

On occasion, as they dug in search of the elusive truffles, the Truffle eating Beasts would dig into Spud eating Beast’s burrow. If it was occupied, they would be swiftly chased out, of course, but on occasion, they encountered a burrow whose owner had run afoul of a Boledrom. When this fortuitous event occurred, they would use the burrow as a stockroom for the Truffles they found while living well on the Moontubers. Some, having found particularly large caches, discovered that with the light from the Glowing Truffles and sufficient time, the Moontuber spuds would begin to sprout. With water, they would keep growing.

The Truffle-grown spuds were much smaller, and the grown plants less healthy, but it was a start.

The Energy of New Beginnings provides everyone with four acts.

The Energy of New Beginnings fades slightly.


Nash-Marr: 2+7=9

Suki, Mia, Amelia: 4+7=11

Craft: 0+7=7

Olmolm: 1+6=7

Kahtrak: 0+6=6

Bacardi Clear: 0+6=6

Lord Rack: 0+6=6

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RE: Godhood XIV - Usurper [Honey Edition Turn 2] - by Whimbrel - 04-05-2013, 12:17 AM