Exquisite Biome - an ecosystem-crafting game

Exquisite Biome - an ecosystem-crafting game
RE: Exquisite Biome - an ecosystem-crafting game
Sounds good! I'm happy to give it a go-round before making any tweaks.

I'll take the cinematographer role then.


The sun peaks over the crest of a waterlogged glacial valley, similar to a fjord, but in the distance it is clear this is a wide lake rather than one connected to the sea. Trickles of snowmelt lead to larger streams and waterfalls flowing down the sides of the valley. Large, some massive, trees line the sides of the hills, though a few near the waterside are felled. The lake itself is spotted with islands of varying sizes, some with fallen trees and young growth, others are mostly mud and rock barely poking above the surface. A cicada-like cacophony plays quietly under the narration.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Exquisite Biome - an ecosystem-crafting game - by btp - 04-21-2024, 04:41 PM