"Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares

"Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares
RE: "Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares
I had a dream last night which, to my albeit poor memory, was strange compared to my other dreams. I dreamt that I had a really big obsession with this famous person and that I really wanted to visit their mansion... ahem... "visit" their mansion and by that I mean break in for funsies. 
So I did what any normal person would do and flew over to central Democratic Republic of the Congo to find the mansion. 
It was as I would expect, very vegetated and moist. The neighborhood in which the mansion stood was paved by dirt roads which is a little strange considering how luxiourious the residences were. Anyways, I got inside and just kind of started wandering.
The furniture was clad with gold and the room fairly... nonexistent? It seemed like as if all the walls were erased save for the ones holding a doorframe. Around the end of my exploration where I began to return, the famous person showed up! ah! and very sternly told me that I shouldn't have been there. I made my apologies and somehow they accepted quite quickly, but not before they had already called in the military to take me out. 
The moment I peek out this window into the drive way a flurry of bullets shattered the glass and I surprisingly wasn't woken up immediately by this. Then for some reason the military guys realize their mistake without a word and just back off?
I thought the dream ended there but I just recalled that the celebrity I was trying to visit wasn't even in that country at all and I had mixed myself up. So it was all pointless. And then I woke up. [Image: apWRkET.png]
I have this cat named Blue and I think you should ask about him.
He's a really friendly guy.
[Image: dMVcI4a.jpg]

Messages In This Thread
RE: "Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares - by Pogo - 12-27-2023, 05:18 AM