RE: Alabaster: The Doomed Session - BACK FROM THE DEAD IN 2023
12-12-2023, 10:19 AM
UP: Ok♠y, first we h♠♥e this big pedest♠l thing?
UR: do≠s not app≠ar i-n th≠ guid≠.
UP: Th♠umifice Substr♠tum?
UR: o-h y≠ah i-t looks bigg≠r than vamuin's vanity.
UP: I could put it on the roof of your hi♥e m♠ybe?
UP: ♠ctu♠lly, wh♠t if I put ♠LL of the m♠chines there? Let's stre♠mline ♠ little!
UR: b≠ m-y gu≠st.
UP: More like your Ser♥er Pl♠yer!
UP: Hehe!
UP: You seem j♠ded, S♠llie...
UR: i don't know what i want.
UR: l≠aving, not l≠aving, living, killing, dying.
UP: You m♠y be depressed! Be c♠reful S♠llie!
UR: i can alr≠ady t≠ll you'r≠ th≠ p≠rc≠ptiv≠ kind.
UR: and you ar≠ also on≠ with ros≠-taint≠d glass≠s.
UP: Silly! I ♠m not Terezi!
UR: t≠r≠-who?
UP: Oh, she's ♠ Twel♥ie! She's strong, ♠nd ♥ery wise! ♠ true inspir♠tion fo me! Once ♠ time she...
Renart: Keep ordering.
UM: ÊnchAntrêss, yôû nêêd tô côMplêtê yôûr pArt ôf thê Rêvôlûtîôn ôf PêrpêtûAtîôn.
PR: Yt ys dyffycult, dear. Y needed to clean everythyng around these four-v-vheeled vehycles. Theyr pov-verful headlyghts must shyne unhyndered...
Sectra: Keep on talking.
UP: ♠nd th♠t's the thing! K♠rk♠t doesn't e♥en re♠lize his feelings for Equius! Of course there's ♠lso his blooming sp♠des rel♠tionship with Feferi...
UR: i don't car≠ about any o-f th≠s≠ kids.
UP: Oh no! I didn't expl♠in enough?
UR: wh≠n will i start playing.
UP: Right! You need ♠n Imper♠ssenti♠ Billet!
UP: Meteors ♠re still f♠lling. We don't w♠nt you dying!
UR: ≠v≠n if i ≠nd up dying.
UR: is that big of a d≠al?
Batori: Complete quest.
PR: Every element corresponds! Y have solved the enygma and correctly connected all of the cables. Yt ys truly the end of the Land Lovers quest.
UM: FêlîcîtAtîôns, My chêrîshêd cûstôMêr.
PR: The peryls v-vere many, yet dayntyly vaynquyshed. Y shall nov-v actyvate the voltayc current...
Land Lovers: Illuminate.
UP: Ok♠y, first we h♠♥e this big pedest♠l thing?
UR: do≠s not app≠ar i-n th≠ guid≠.
UP: Th♠umifice Substr♠tum?
UR: o-h y≠ah i-t looks bigg≠r than vamuin's vanity.
UP: I could put it on the roof of your hi♥e m♠ybe?
UP: ♠ctu♠lly, wh♠t if I put ♠LL of the m♠chines there? Let's stre♠mline ♠ little!
UR: b≠ m-y gu≠st.
UP: More like your Ser♥er Pl♠yer!
UP: Hehe!
UP: You seem j♠ded, S♠llie...
UR: i don't know what i want.
UR: l≠aving, not l≠aving, living, killing, dying.
UP: You m♠y be depressed! Be c♠reful S♠llie!
UR: i can alr≠ady t≠ll you'r≠ th≠ p≠rc≠ptiv≠ kind.
UR: and you ar≠ also on≠ with ros≠-taint≠d glass≠s.
UP: Silly! I ♠m not Terezi!
UR: t≠r≠-who?
UP: Oh, she's ♠ Twel♥ie! She's strong, ♠nd ♥ery wise! ♠ true inspir♠tion fo me! Once ♠ time she...
Renart: Keep ordering.
UM: ÊnchAntrêss, yôû nêêd tô côMplêtê yôûr pArt ôf thê Rêvôlûtîôn ôf PêrpêtûAtîôn.
PR: Yt ys dyffycult, dear. Y needed to clean everythyng around these four-v-vheeled vehycles. Theyr pov-verful headlyghts must shyne unhyndered...
Sectra: Keep on talking.
UP: ♠nd th♠t's the thing! K♠rk♠t doesn't e♥en re♠lize his feelings for Equius! Of course there's ♠lso his blooming sp♠des rel♠tionship with Feferi...
UR: i don't car≠ about any o-f th≠s≠ kids.
UP: Oh no! I didn't expl♠in enough?
UR: wh≠n will i start playing.
UP: Right! You need ♠n Imper♠ssenti♠ Billet!
UP: Meteors ♠re still f♠lling. We don't w♠nt you dying!
UR: ≠v≠n if i ≠nd up dying.
UR: is that big of a d≠al?
Batori: Complete quest.
PR: Every element corresponds! Y have solved the enygma and correctly connected all of the cables. Yt ys truly the end of the Land Lovers quest.
UM: FêlîcîtAtîôns, My chêrîshêd cûstôMêr.
PR: The peryls v-vere many, yet dayntyly vaynquyshed. Y shall nov-v actyvate the voltayc current...
Land Lovers: Illuminate.