RE: Alabaster: The Doomed Session - BACK FROM THE DEAD IN 2023
11-12-2023, 06:15 AM
Deputies: Patrol.
Batori: Act further.
PR: Nov-v that our entyre trayn remayns on the orygynal lyne, completely past that set of deplorable poynts, v-ve can sort the v-vagons.
UM: And wôûld yôû thên bêcôMê ôûr nêw lôcôMôtîvê?
PR: V-Vhyle the proposytyon ys touchyng... Thou v-vyll have ample opportunytyes to slyp behynd me. [; )
UM: Glrrrrhgh.
UP: Gl'bgolyb? Re♠lly?
UP: Not my first choice of chief! =XDɸɸɸ
UM: Nô, dê fActô Î wAs sAyîng...
UM: Fôrgêt ît.
MP: We do need a leader, Ґhough.
MP: We are clearly lacking vigorous direcҐion.
UP: Do we, though?
UP: Sometimes I wonder...
UM: Qûîtê thê blêAk qûAndAry thîs chôîcê MêAns AlrêAdy.
UM: Bôth VAMûîn And Crôssôvêr wêrê sûpêrb êMînêncês. Î MAy hAvê dôûbtêd bôth bût thêy wêrê qûAlîfîêd.
UM: Wôûld yôû lêAd ûs, My lôvê?
UP: I'm... not sure! It's ♠ lot of responsibilities!
UP: ♠nd look ♠t wh♠t I did! I recruited S♠llie ♠nd they ♠re impossible!
PR: The choyce v-vas never thy. V-Ve v-vere all engendered to endure thys travel.
PR: Thou underestymate thyself, my dear double vyrgyn. Thou have abylytyes. Thou survyved a collapsyng troll megalopolys...
UP: Not ♠lone! I h♠d help!
PR: Vamuyn told me one tyme thou are quyte athletyc. Dystracted, but robust. Those v-vere hys exact v-vords.
MP: Your choice is good, diamonds, buҐ Ґhere are oҐher ones.
UP: True!
UP: We c♠n choose B♠tori!
Deputies: Patrol.
Batori: Act further.
PR: Nov-v that our entyre trayn remayns on the orygynal lyne, completely past that set of deplorable poynts, v-ve can sort the v-vagons.
UM: And wôûld yôû thên bêcôMê ôûr nêw lôcôMôtîvê?
PR: V-Vhyle the proposytyon ys touchyng... Thou v-vyll have ample opportunytyes to slyp behynd me. [; )
UM: Glrrrrhgh.
UP: Gl'bgolyb? Re♠lly?
UP: Not my first choice of chief! =XDɸɸɸ
UM: Nô, dê fActô Î wAs sAyîng...
UM: Fôrgêt ît.
MP: We do need a leader, Ґhough.
MP: We are clearly lacking vigorous direcҐion.
UP: Do we, though?
UP: Sometimes I wonder...
UM: Qûîtê thê blêAk qûAndAry thîs chôîcê MêAns AlrêAdy.
UM: Bôth VAMûîn And Crôssôvêr wêrê sûpêrb êMînêncês. Î MAy hAvê dôûbtêd bôth bût thêy wêrê qûAlîfîêd.
UM: Wôûld yôû lêAd ûs, My lôvê?
UP: I'm... not sure! It's ♠ lot of responsibilities!
UP: ♠nd look ♠t wh♠t I did! I recruited S♠llie ♠nd they ♠re impossible!
PR: The choyce v-vas never thy. V-Ve v-vere all engendered to endure thys travel.
PR: Thou underestymate thyself, my dear double vyrgyn. Thou have abylytyes. Thou survyved a collapsyng troll megalopolys...
UP: Not ♠lone! I h♠d help!
PR: Vamuyn told me one tyme thou are quyte athletyc. Dystracted, but robust. Those v-vere hys exact v-vords.
MP: Your choice is good, diamonds, buҐ Ґhere are oҐher ones.
UP: True!
UP: We c♠n choose B♠tori!