Alabaster: The Doomed Session - BACK FROM THE DEAD IN 2023

Alabaster: The Doomed Session - BACK FROM THE DEAD IN 2023
RE: Alabaster: The Doomed Session - BACK FROM THE DEAD IN 2023


Via: Land.

[Image: doomed2777.png]

It was hard, but you didn't break any bone.


[Image: doomed2778.png]

You fell in the highest floors of an unknown building, whose spire was crowned by Renart's hive. More stairs, freedom in sight.

The material seems to be corroded copper. You need to be cautious, some parts of these structures could collapse easily.


[Image: doomed2779.png]

Without stopping, you start listening to the last messages Batori and Ginneo left you.

Apocryptid Residents. Their trusted Lieutenants. The Subaltern Conscripts, the metamorphic bestiary. And the trained, often genetically modified armies of the Saturnine Sovereignty.

It is a lot to take in.

Renart: Complete Automatons.

[Image: doomed2780.png]

RENART: Rîsê And shînê, dêfêndêrs ôf thê Têrrîtôry.
JENNY: Who... Who are you?
RENART: Thê Prîncê, ôf côûrsê, înhêrîtîng thêsê lAnds, yôûr ônê lôrd And MAstêr.

[Image: doomed2781.png]

JENNY: The... Prince?
XAL: The Benefactor of Innocence, Jenny.
JENNY: Oh great!

[Image: doomed2782.png]

JENNY: Thank you, thank you, thank you!

[Image: doomed2783.png]

JENNY: I'm Jenny, they are Xal. You can call us Xal and Jen!
XAL: The prophecies did say you would reassemble us.
RENART: And thAt yôûr fûnctîôn wôûld bê tô sêrvê yôûr Prîncê.

[Image: doomed2784.png]

XAL: We belong to another era, Benefactor, as thus we must avail. We have no more future except for your service. Speak and we will obey.
RENART: My, My. Thîs îs A kînd ôf dAncê Î côûld êâsîly lêAd. Hêâr My dêsîgn, thên...

[Image: doomed2785.png]

RENART: Yôû wîll ênslAvê thîs wôrld.
JENNY: My lord?

[Image: doomed2786.png]

RENART: Yôû wîll sûbjûgAtê All thê CôncôMîtants. SlAûghtêr thê ônês whô rêsîst. My plAns ônly tôlêrAtê gôôd sêrvAnts.

[Image: doomed2787.png]

RENART: Î wîll pût thêM tô ûsê... My schêMês Arê côlôssAl. A Môb-grîndîng tôwêr, An AûtôMAtêd prôdûctîôn ôf MêrchAnt gôôds, MôûntAîns ôf fôôd...

[Image: doomed2788.png]

RENART: Wê wîll rêstrAîn thê sêrvAnts în bôxês tô pût thêM tô lAbôûr nîght And dAy. Nô nêêd fôr bêds, tôîlêts. ÊAch wîll hAvê A hûMblê wôrkbênch, A lôôM, A grîndstônê ôr -
JENNY: My lord...
XAL: Benefactor, your humour is singular, but I am afraid we are not the kind to easily appreciate. Or maybe it is a kind of satire?

[Image: doomed2789.png]

XAL: We just woke up from the longest dream. Will you not speak out the truth of your mind?
XAL: Really. You're scaring me and scaring my friend.

[Image: doomed2790.png]

[color=##a10000]RENART: Thîs îs thê trûth ôf My Mînd, My rêAl dêsîrê. î wAnt tô pôssêss êvêrythîng. î wAnt tô dêstrôy êvêrythîng. î fînd êndlêss dêlîght în thê scrêAMs And thê têArs.[/color]

[Image: doomed2791.png]

[Image: doomed2792.png]

XAL: Then you are the enemy.
RENART: Î AM yôûr rîghtfûl lêAdêr, MAchînê.
XAL: We are the Protectors of Oscuridad. We are sworn to p-preserve this Territory and its population.
JENNY: Xal...
XAL: We refuse your instructions. We will not tolerate any of your crimes.

[Image: doomed2793.png]

[Image: doomed2794.png]

[Image: doomed2795.png]

[Image: doomed2796.png]

[Image: doomed2797.png]

[Image: doomed2798.png]

[Image: doomed2799.png]

[Image: doomed2799b.png]

[Image: doomed2799c.png]

[Image: doomed2799d.png]

[Image: doomed2800.png]

The Protectors are useless. Useless!

You'll have to destroy all of the others, too, thousands of parts, lest them be reassembled by some third party and launched against you. This could take hours.

An entire army of powerful robots, your own drone batallion, worthy of the Empress herself, rendered meaningless by their pathetic do-gooder ideology.

[Image: doomed2801.png]

That's it. No more mister nice troll.

[Image: doomed2801b.png]

Deputies: Activate.

[Image: doomed2802.png]

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RE: Alabaster: The Doomed Session - BACK FROM THE DEAD IN 2023 - by Cauchemar - 11-11-2023, 04:54 AM