Alabaster: The Doomed Session - BACK FROM THE DEAD IN 2023

Alabaster: The Doomed Session - BACK FROM THE DEAD IN 2023
RE: Alabaster: The Doomed Session - BACK FROM THE DEAD IN 2023

Sallie: Respond to the weird bug girl.

[Image: doomed2653.png]

-- unkemptParamour [UP] began trolling undesiredRecollection [UR] --

UP: Hi person! It's kind of ♠ person♠l question…
UP: ♠nd I'm sorry for st♠rting the convers♠tion like this…
UP: But ♠re you ♠ ♥iolet-blood with sc♠rs ♠ll o♥er her f♠ce?

UR: and body
UP: Right, ♠nd body!
UR: y≠ah I a-m
UR: a body that i-s
UR: what ar≠ you going t-o d-o about i-t

UP: ???
UR: ar≠ you going t-o us≠ m≠
UP: Oh ye♠h! I could use a friend!
UP: I could really do!

UR: could you r≠ally d-o
UP: Well, Copy ♠lw♠ys tells me I m♠ke a good friend. =:)ɸɸɸ
UP: Okay, next question!
UP: Did you h♠♥e ♠ny str♠nge dre♠ms lately?

UR: i d-o not hav≠ dr≠ams and r≠al lif≠ i-s m-y nightmar≠
UP: It IS you!
UP: I recognize your style!

UR: what d-o you m≠an
UP: I'm the girl of your dre♠ms! Literally! =XDɸɸɸ
UP: We'♥e been looking for you!
UP: On Diespace, Zerocities, Gr♠hoo, Meet ♠ Weirdo, ♠WOL, Cherubfire, e♥erywhere!
UP: It's been hours!
UP: Felt like 4 sweeps of se♠rch, re♠lly, I feel out of ♠ nightm♠re myself, out of ♠ ne♥erending st♠sis… We thought you m♠y be de♠d, killed by ♠ meteors, urb♠n ch♠os, musclebe♠sts, hell, ♠nything...

UR: i a-m d≠ad
UR: m-y ≠motions ar≠ d≠ad
UR: m-y hop≠s ar≠ d≠ad
UR: m-y will i-s d≠ad
UR: m-y body i-s lying i-t do≠sn't r≠fl≠ct th≠ r≠ality

UP: Well, hey, you ♠re here!
UP: You're Sallie, right?
UP: Let me tell you about ♠l♠b♠ster.


[Image: doomed2654.png]

Sectra then proceeds to tell you, in disturbing details, about the trials a group of six trolls must overcome in order to save themselves, ensure the survival of their species and create a new universe.


[Image: doomed2655.png]

UR: o-k i think i got this
UR: this gam≠ looks l≠thal

UP: But I think we don't h♠♥e ♠ny choice... The meteors ♠re killing ♠ll of us, now. The entire pl♠net! ♠nd if the Glub h♠ppens, the Empire will be de♠d ♠s well. For us, for ♠ll of trollkind… It's ♠ choice of sur♥i♥♠l!
UR: don't g≠t cut≠ with m≠
UR: o-r 'charming' lik≠
UR: l≠t m≠ r≠phras≠ all of this
UR: you want m≠ to ≠nt≠r a cosmic gam≠ cr≠at≠d by unknown forc≠s, which tortur≠d and kill≠d all of th≠ play≠rs insid≠ multipl≠ tim≠s?
UR: a gam≠ which manag≠d to kill this Vanny person?
UR: who was suppos≠dly on≠ of th≠ strong≠st trolls in ≠xist≠nc≠?
UR: a gam≠ which kill≠d him a thousand tim≠s?
UR: and you com≠ t-o m≠ and t≠ll m≠ i-t's a sw≠≠t d≠al?
UR: and you want m≠ t-o jump right into th≠ fir≠dog's maw?

UP: Well, when you put it like th♠t, it sounds re♠lly b♠d!
UR: k im in


[Image: doomed2656.png]

UP: Wh♠t?

UR: y≠ah i don't s≠≠ what ≠ls≠ to do
UP: Oh GRE♠♠♠♠♠♠T! =:Dɸɸɸ
UR: and i don't r≠ally car≠ ≠ith≠r way
UR: l≠t th≠ apocalizard-flavor≠d chips fall wh≠re th≠y will
UR: what is your nam≠ again?

UP: Sectr♠!

Renart: Adventure!

[Image: doomed2657.png]

Your first round of thaumification is over, your wound to the side is cured, your Egoneir will surveil your teammates, fifteen rungs of your Stratospectral Escalevelator are conquered.

You are ready to start the hunt.

Before you, the majesty of the corroded continent unfolds. You hesitate between multiple points of interest:

- The TETRACLAVE MUSEUM where Subaltern Conscripts abound.                                                                                                                         
- DIONYSIUS PARK shimmering with beautiful lights.
- The COMMUNAL AMPHITHEATRE where a crowd of Concomitants are gathering.

Where will you go?

[Not only can you suggest DESTINATIONS, you can also propose ALCHEMY COMBINATIONS!
They will not be displayed with the proper alchemy interface in the story, in opposition to what happened in the past, for I think it would hurt the pacing at this point, but I will show in the thread the ones I choose to integrate in the story.]

Messages In This Thread
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RE: Alabaster: The Doomed Session - by Cauchemar - 04-15-2016, 05:40 PM
RE: Alabaster: The Doomed Session - by Gatr - 04-21-2016, 03:32 AM
RE: Alabaster: The Doomed Session - by Cauchemar - 08-27-2017, 11:34 PM
RE: Alabaster: The Doomed Session - by smuchmuch - 08-28-2017, 12:57 AM
RE: Alabaster: The Doomed Session - by Arcanuse - 08-28-2017, 02:14 AM
RE: Alabaster: The Doomed Session - by Cauchemar - 08-29-2017, 03:06 AM
RE: Alabaster: The Doomed Session - by Cauchemar - 08-30-2017, 07:14 AM
RE: Alabaster: The Doomed Session - by smuchmuch - 08-30-2017, 01:51 PM
RE: Alabaster: The Doomed Session - by Coolacanth - 09-03-2017, 05:26 PM
RE: Alabaster: The Doomed Session - by Cauchemar - 09-07-2017, 04:21 AM
RE: Alabaster: The Doomed Session - by Coolacanth - 09-07-2017, 04:42 AM
RE: Alabaster: The Doomed Session - by Cauchemar - 09-08-2017, 12:24 AM
RE: Alabaster: The Doomed Session - by smuchmuch - 09-08-2017, 06:32 AM
RE: Alabaster: The Doomed Session - by Coolacanth - 09-08-2017, 07:21 AM
RE: Alabaster: The Doomed Session - by Cauchemar - 11-11-2023, 04:21 AM
RE: Alabaster: The Doomed Session - BACK FROM THE DEAD IN 2023 - by Cauchemar - 11-11-2023, 04:39 AM