RE: Alabaster: The Doomed Session - BACK FROM THE DEAD IN 2023
11-11-2023, 04:36 AM
Renart: Captchalogue the corpse.
You take one minute to examine the cadaver in order to determine its quality, then you can properly wrap it and pick it up with your Etiquette Modus.
Hmmm. Low quality. The machine did severely damage your victim.
Renart: Speak to your pixelemental.
- Master… They got away.
- Ît dôês nôt Mattêr, my fAîthfûl sêrvAnt.
- That hairy one… He knows how to fight.
- Thêy All dô, Î’M AfrAîd. ÎkêngA dîd hAvê hîs wAy tô sêdûcê thê crêAM ôf thê crôp. Bût thêy Arê fAtêd tô jôîn hîm în thê grAvê.
Renart: Contemplate your Land.
Somewhere on this planet, in these continents of cerulean metal and these seas of lavender mushrooms, your enemies are running away.
You will reach them in due time. This world is yours for the taking, and you will have a good time.
For you have the best partner in life.
Batori: Descend.
Renart: Captchalogue the corpse.
You take one minute to examine the cadaver in order to determine its quality, then you can properly wrap it and pick it up with your Etiquette Modus.
Hmmm. Low quality. The machine did severely damage your victim.
Renart: Speak to your pixelemental.
- Master… They got away.
- Ît dôês nôt Mattêr, my fAîthfûl sêrvAnt.
- That hairy one… He knows how to fight.
- Thêy All dô, Î’M AfrAîd. ÎkêngA dîd hAvê hîs wAy tô sêdûcê thê crêAM ôf thê crôp. Bût thêy Arê fAtêd tô jôîn hîm în thê grAvê.
Renart: Contemplate your Land.
Somewhere on this planet, in these continents of cerulean metal and these seas of lavender mushrooms, your enemies are running away.
You will reach them in due time. This world is yours for the taking, and you will have a good time.
For you have the best partner in life.
Batori: Descend.