Alabaster: The Doomed Session - BACK FROM THE DEAD IN 2023

Alabaster: The Doomed Session - BACK FROM THE DEAD IN 2023
RE: Alabaster: The Doomed Session - BACK FROM THE DEAD IN 2023

Sallie: Assess your surgery utensils, clean and sharpen as needed.

[Image: doomed2515.png]

It has been some time since you didn't take care of those.

Some of them are still cutting, no problem. You just scrub, clean them up.


[Image: doomed2516.png]

Other ones need to be sharpened.

Sallie: Contact ragingUnfrequency.

[Image: doomed2517.png]

You try to contact your BEST FRIEND, but he hasn't been answering lately.


[Image: doomed2518.png]

In the depths of your destroyed soul, you feel a shadow of resentment. You and him go way back. He could at least tell you how the trip is going.

You try to remember what you heard about it.

Wey was dragged in an Alternian picnic.


[Image: doomed2519.png]

An Alternian picnic. That's how trolls call these excursions in the wild to find a random troll's hive and to maul them into chili con carne. Sometimes it's for vendetta, sometimes it's religious. More than often it's good, old-fashioned fun.

Here you didn't get the full story. You never joined the reunion to begin with.


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Your dark thoughts tip you over, right into EMO MODE.

As long as Wey isn't here, you can try once again to have a little fun.

Sallie: Troll righteousPornstar.

[Image: doomed2521.png]

Last hatesex for an apocalypse.

Wasn't that a movie title?

-- undesiredRecollection [UR] began trolling righteousPornstar [RP] --

UR: you ar≠ dirt.
UR: you ar≠ compl≠t≠ dirt.
UR: you ar≠ low≠r than dirt.
UR: you ar≠ th≠ scatt≠r≠d, mix≠d ash≠s o-f a pulv≠riz≠d, approximat≠ly troll-shap≠d pil≠ o-f garbag≠.
UR: i'm sp≠aking m≠taphorically...
UR: but also lit≠rally? that i-s possibl≠. i w≠nt b-y your hiv≠ ≠arli≠r and i-t was destroy≠d.
UR: nothing l≠ft i-n th≠ cliff but a big dark round hol≠.
UR: mayb≠ you ≠scap≠d for now. mayb≠ th≠ m≠t≠ors didn't g≠t you y≠t...
UR: i-n that cas≠, com≠ ov≠r t-o m-y plac≠. s-o i can ≠nd you.
UR: i want t-o ravag≠ yo-u, vamuin, i want your claws i-n m-y ch≠st, h≠lpl≠ssly digging whil≠ i'm putting you down, i-n your rightful place, b≠low m≠, under m≠, crush≠d, harn≠ss≠d, ≠nslav≠d, i a-m your sup≠rior i-n ≠v≠ry way.
UR: i will o-wn you, i will d≠stroy you, your ass i-s min≠, your board i-s min≠, ≠v≠rything that i-s th-≠ pitiful wr≠ck o-f us≠l≠ss muscl≠s and n≠rv≠s and chitin you call your body i-s min≠, your thoughts are min≠, i-t i-s writt≠n i-n the pink and gr≠≠n moons that you submit to your final ≠n≠my, and now you will com≠ t-o m≠.
UR: many p≠ople i crush≠d, but you hav≠ a sp≠cial plac≠ i-n m-y h≠art, vamuin, you mak≠ m-y h≠art colder, i-f only for a night, for th≠ last night, l≠t u-s d-o i-t, th≠ stars conspir≠d t-o k≠≠p the b≠asts apart but th≠y CANNOT b≠ contain≠d, and und≠r th≠ fi≠ry gaz≠ o-f r≠l≠ntl≠ss ast≠roids, you will know my ≠n≠rgy.
UR: do m≠.
UR: do m≠.
UR: DO M≠.


[Image: doomed2522.png]

You start removing your clothes. For now, you're keeping the gown... but you are pretty sure it's not going to stay on for long.

Vamuin always had this effect on you. From your first encounter... A few words, a simple gaze, and you ended up hornier than a full stable of raging musclebeasts.

Curse his moon-tanned abs.


[Image: doomed2523.png]

UR: d-o you want t-o g≠t kill≠d a-t th≠ p≠ak o-f suff≠ring?
UR: join m≠.
UR: com≠ t-o m-y hiv≠.
UR: com≠ and com≠ again.
UR: and mayb≠, mayb≠ i'll l≠av≠ you aliv≠ at th≠ ≠nd of th≠ night.


[Image: doomed2524.png]

Suddenly you are struck as by a laser beam.

You don't know what hits you.


[Image: doomed2525.png]

But before you can tell, you are falling.

You barely feel it when you hit the ground - you are already flying far, far away.


[Image: doomed2526.gif]

Sallie: Wake up.

[Image: doomed2527.png]



[Image: doomed2528.png]

- Trollt♠g!


[Image: doomed2529.png]

- what?
- Tell me your trollt♠g!


[Image: doomed2530.png]

- wait, wait... what i-s this plac≠?
- We need your trollt♠g!


[Image: doomed2531.png]

- CAlM dôwn, lôvêd ônê. Lêt ûs lêAvê thêM sômê spAcê tô brêAth.
- Sorry... I guess I'm p♠nicking...


[Image: doomed2532.png]

- Cross is de♠d, ♥♠nny m♠y be...
- Wê dîd êvêrythîng wê côûld. Î AM sô sôrry, My dêAr... Bê brAvê. Wê bôth nêêd to bê brAvê And cArry the MêMôry ôf ôûr fAllên côMrAdês.
- what ar≠ you talking about? who ar≠ you, what i-s this shit?


[Image: doomed2533.png]

- Yôû Arê fîndîng yôûrsêlf rêgAînîng cônscîôûsnêss în yôûr ônêîrîc rêspîtêblôck.
- ...
- Wê Arê ôn Dêrsê, thê SAtûrnînê Sôvêrêîgnty, thê rêAlM ôf dêstrûctîôn, thê dôMAîn ôf dArknêss. PArt ôf A côsMîc gAMê. Yôû bêlông tô thîs côMpêtîtîôn, yôû Arê A fûndAMêntAl côMpônênt ôf thîs MystîcAl MAtch, And yôû shAll tAkê yôûr rîghtfûl plAcê As ônê ôf thê înhêrîtôrs And chAMpîôns ôf AltêrnîAn cûltûrê.


[Image: doomed2534.png]

- Yôûr ArrîvAl hAs bêên fôrêtôld. Yôû MAy bê rêlûctAnt, bût yôû nêêd tô ûnderstAnd yôûr dêstîny. Ôûr wôrld îs bêyônd sAlvAtîôn bût wê Arê bôth gênêrAtêd And prêdêstînêd tô rêAch A hîghêr gôAl. Wê wîll mAkê cîvîlîzAtîôn Anêw, wê wîll crêAte An êntîrê nêw ûnîvêrsê ôf sêcrêts And MArvêls.
- Don't tell them too much! They'll be lost.
- As ûsûAl, yôûr wôrds Arê întrîcAtêly tîêd tô thê trûth. Î shAll kêêp thîngs strêAMlînêd, nêwcômêr: wê nêêd yôû tô rêvêAl yôûr Mônîkêr. Ît mûst bê ûnvêîlêd nôw tô Avôîd fûrthêr trAgêdîês... Yôû cAnnôt fAthôm thê mAgnîtûdê ôf your bîrthrîght, And thê bûrdên ôf rêspônsîbîlîty yôûr shôûldêrs wîll cArry.


[Image: doomed2535.png]

- don't know, don't car≠.
- WhAt?
- infodumps ar≠ for los≠rs. d-o you r≠ally think you ar≠ this int≠r≠sting?


[Image: doomed2536.png]

- ... yôû lîttlê...
- How c♠n we c♠ll you then?
- you can call m≠ th≠ doll, th≠ mann≠quin, th≠ ≠mptin≠ss. n-o past, n-o g≠nd≠r, all despair. i a-m suff≠ring mad≠ fl≠sh.
- We re♠lly need your n♠me... Pretty ple♠se?
- ... oh. "sallie".
- I wôûld rAther prêfêr yôûr psêudônyM în înstAnt MêssAgîng sêrvîcês...


[Image: doomed2537.png]

- that i could do i gu≠ss.
- Thên by All MêAns, dô sô.
- it would b≠ possibl≠.
- Îndêêd.
- probabl≠.
- Ônê wôûld sûrêly hôpê sô.
- We don't h♠♥e time for this!


[Image: doomed2538.png]

- Trollt♠g S♠llie! Trollt♠g!
- und≠sir≠dR≠coll≠ction. now how can i ≠xit this dr≠am?
- Wêll, wê MAy bê Ablê tô hêlp...


[Image: doomed2539.png]


[Image: doomed2540.png]

- Ren♠rt!


[Image: doomed2541.png]

- Th♠t w♠s brut♠l!
- Sôrry, my dêAr. Ît îs hArd tô fôcûs And tô rêMAîn cAlM... My ôthêr sêlf îs fîghtîng ôn My ôwn plAnêt.
- Oh no! Will you be ok♠y?


[Image: doomed2542.png]


[Image: doomed2543.png]

That was the weirdest dream of your life.

Endless questions arise. What does it symbolize? Who were these two assholes? Would they be any good at fucking your brains out?

Messages In This Thread
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RE: Alabaster: The Doomed Session - by Cauchemar - 08-29-2017, 03:06 AM
RE: Alabaster: The Doomed Session - by Cauchemar - 08-30-2017, 07:14 AM
RE: Alabaster: The Doomed Session - by smuchmuch - 08-30-2017, 01:51 PM
RE: Alabaster: The Doomed Session - by Coolacanth - 09-03-2017, 05:26 PM
RE: Alabaster: The Doomed Session - by Cauchemar - 09-07-2017, 04:21 AM
RE: Alabaster: The Doomed Session - by Coolacanth - 09-07-2017, 04:42 AM
RE: Alabaster: The Doomed Session - by Cauchemar - 09-08-2017, 12:24 AM
RE: Alabaster: The Doomed Session - by smuchmuch - 09-08-2017, 06:32 AM
RE: Alabaster: The Doomed Session - by Coolacanth - 09-08-2017, 07:21 AM
RE: Alabaster: The Doomed Session - by Cauchemar - 11-11-2023, 04:21 AM
RE: Alabaster: The Doomed Session - BACK FROM THE DEAD IN 2023 - by Cauchemar - 11-11-2023, 04:31 AM