Hexaspace: Strange Energy

Hexaspace: Strange Energy
Hexaspace: Strange Energy
Hexaspace: Strange Energy

The Story
Imagine a dim white void, where great dark spheres lurk. Most of these spheres contain one sun, one planet, perhaps a couple of moons, and beyond that nigh-infinite void separating the miniature solar system from the Outside. Welcome to Nthspace. Not a long time ago, several disconnected worlds have dug invisible tunnels between each other using a strange kind of energy, which has colloquially been known as, well, Strange Energy (and it's called Metarosmarine Radiation, or MRR by more scientific folk). The various peoples, after an initial period of confusion, have built out an alliance of trade, technology and travel between dozens of worlds.

Let's just focus on one: Hexaspace. The heart of this pseudo federation, this realm must have been the sandbox of ancient gods, for it is full of planets that are full of life, that also somehow fail to collide with each other. Perhaps these anomalies  are what inspired you to enter the prestigious Amber University of Junk Planet Punk, to study the mysteries of the universe, or at least, to learn how to do experiments without blowing yourself up. And perhaps one day, you’ll get to work with Strange Energies. And that day might be close, as you are about to graduate, and along with a select few others, receive a great research grant... Will you create new vehicles, new kinds of food, or perhaps, study the Elder Gods? The possibilities are endless, and strange…

Note: I am planning this game for my discord friends.

Character sheet
Name: What do they call you?
Species: What manner of creature are you? See the Codex for playable species.
Home: You are a native of Hexaspace, from one of its many worlds. Tell me about your hometown.
Bio: What was your life that led you to Strange Energy adjacent studies? 
Personality and looks: How does your yearbook photo look like, and what did others comment under it?
Field of study: What is your expertise?
Signature gear: Things that define you
Contacts: Some people that you have come to know in your studies.

Codex on playable species and places can be found here.

Messages In This Thread
Hexaspace: Strange Energy - by ProfessorLizzard - 09-23-2021, 08:52 AM