Spiteland: New World [Choose Your Destiny]

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Spiteland: New World [Choose Your Destiny]
RE: Spiteland: New World [Sign up now!]

Name: Toasty Megalo
Gender: Anything you want babe
Race: Supertoaster
Class: Card Gamer
Backstory: Toasty, as they called him in elerobotry school, was a fanatic of Yu-gi-oh but his Adopted human mother computer engineer said that storing that memory of Children's Card Games will waste the usefulness of all the RAM he has. Toasty didn't give a fuck about what his mom said and started smoking Uranium to make his RAM larger and his processing power greater so she wouldn't complain, but doing this was illegal. Unfortunately this lead to Toasty getting AIDS in his Pelvic Thrusting Mechanism when he tried banging a human while high on Uranium. Uranium was already expensive as is, why did he have to hire a prostitute too?! Well his mom kicked him out of the house (The age of majority is 1000 cycles, so she would've done this eventually.) So Toasty left the house, only Cards in hand and became a robot prostitute that can roleplay in Yu-Gi-Oh format (Oh baby, I'll summon my Dark Magician on your Magician Girl) and other horrid innuendos you'd rather not hear.

He did this for a few hundred cycles, but the need for genderless, bisexual robot prostitutes was declining. Toasty had to look somewhere else.

Toasty found a sign near a grand hotel with Spiteland's logo. When he went up closer, details appeared of what it is and how to get there. All of the details sounded just peachy so Toasty mashed the pop-out keyboard with his Pelvic Thrusting Mechanism and Metallic Chewing Apparatus to input his details and to make sure no one else would try and go there as well.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Spiteland: New World [Sign up now!] - by Gatr - 04-01-2013, 01:51 PM
RE: Spiteland: New World [Sign up now!] - by ICan'tGiveCredit - 04-01-2013, 05:03 PM