LANDWRECKED ~ The search for Antintis ~

LANDWRECKED ~ The search for Antintis ~
RE: LANDWRECKED ~ The search for Antintis ~
[The people I have picked are Pharmacy, Vancho1 and Demonsul. I am sorry HayDay, but I would like to prefer to play with the people I am in daily contact with. :( I hope you'll understand.]

Various escape pods fly out of the great vehicle, trying to veer towards the various lakes. Some land in the desert, turning on suspended animation mode. Some manage to land in life giving water... Will they be able to claw they way through dryland, uniting the survivors, and finish the mission? Or will they abandon it? Find it later!

But first, lets hear some experts talk about the Famous Fish Who Started The Expedition. Who were they? What was their goal? Were they aboard?

Messages In This Thread
RE: LANDWRECKED ~ The search for Antintis ~ - by ProfessorLizzard - 04-11-2021, 06:34 PM