LANDWRECKED ~ The search for Antintis ~

LANDWRECKED ~ The search for Antintis ~
RE: LANDWRECKED ~ The search for Antintis ~
Game will launch on April 10th! Get your fish in gear... fish gear...

Note about Flip Thaumoc and Pistol Shrimpit: shrimps and octopuses aren't fish, but you can be a fish with shrimps hand thanks to the power of genetic engineering. I assume  Private Skipper is a pet like Flippers is. Shrimpit also needs a third friend.

Edit: Whoops, meant to be the 10th. Edit2: Too tired today... delaying to 11th...

Messages In This Thread
RE: LANDWRECKED ~ The search for Antintis ~ - by ProfessorLizzard - 04-01-2021, 09:46 AM