Silent Howl: A Survival Horror Doguelike

Silent Howl: A Survival Horror Doguelike
Silent Howl: A Survival Horror Doguelike
S i l e n t  H o w l
A Survival Horror Doguelike

You're the canine assistant and best bud to a paranormal investigator. While exploring an art installation dedicated to pets who've passed, the pair of you were separated in a thick fog. Now, you're all alone in the foyer, ears perked to the distant echo of your partner shouting your name...


Enter a BREED, NAME, and distribute 4 points across the following Attributes:

[BARK] Intimidation, persuasion, charisma
[BITE] Strength, constitution, dexterity
[HEART] Arcana, perception, willpower
[TRICK] "You're telling me a dog did that?"

Messages In This Thread
Silent Howl: A Survival Horror Doguelike - by Tokumei - 03-28-2021, 05:23 AM