LANDWRECKED ~ The search for Antintis ~

LANDWRECKED ~ The search for Antintis ~
RE: LANDWRECKED ~ The search for Antintis ~
Name: Ensign Gulpus Garag

Fishology: Imagine a flatfish, fleshy pale on one side, mottled brown on the other, with both eyes on the mottled side. Sounds ugly, right? That's Garag. Despite his horizontally flattened body, he did wear a fancy uniform though, and everyone seemed to agree that he was handsome by fish standards.

Skills: Athletics 3; Technology 3; Leadership 4; Science 2 (he had Mortib for that!)

Employment: Ensign Garag was in charge of a Scuttler Detachment, and led away teams to investigate interesting landforms aboard a six-legged Scuttlecraft. He had a Shiny Uniform that helped him stand out from the crowd and made sure that the crew listened to him. He also knew exactly where in the wreckage of the ship to find the Scuttlecraft Bay.

Friends from the boat:
> Science Officer Tezzy Mortib: a colourful, tropical sort with a strong knowledge of science and technology. She was assigned as the #2 Officer in Garag's Scuttler Detachment to make up for Garag's shocking lack of scientific knowledge.
> Bulgus Bilge: A large tuna-like guy with a knack for engineering, geology and the practical intersection of the two; high explosive blast mining! Garag was good friends with this guy, and brought him on away missions sometimes before the disaster.
> Ensign Treth Ubbler: A blowfish and fellow officer of the ship, both Ubbler and Garag both worked under the same Lieutenant. Garag acted friendly towards Ubbler, but Ubbler saw the truth; that Garag was just a grifter using his good looks to get by! He's been quietly working to try and convince people of Garag's unworthiness, to no avail by the time of the catastrophe.

Short bio: Born to a wealthy family, Garag attended the Coral Point Academy for promising young landship cadets. Once he graduated, Garag was employed aboard various vessels, though his service record is sadly mostly unavailable to researchers. Any claims that he coasted through life on his charisma and family reputation are obviously false, and his family's legal estate have made sure that his exceptional skill and wit is well-represented in this documentary program in spite of any claims to the contrary.

Messages In This Thread
RE: LANDWRECKED ~ The search for Antintis ~ - by Demonsul - 03-21-2021, 04:42 PM