LANDWRECKED ~ The search for Antintis ~

LANDWRECKED ~ The search for Antintis ~
LANDWRECKED ~ The search for Antintis ~
[Image: 2yN9MWO.png]
Coming soon, on Global Oceanographic: a brand new series, examining the notorious expedition to the lost city of Antintis.

Legend has it, that the lake kingdom of Antintis affronted the god the dry land, who as a punishment raised their great city up into the sky, high above the water level. A classic tale of hubris! But for decades, we didn't know if this was a real tale, or an allegory of sorts. But one fateful day, a brave fish has decided to put together an expedition to brave the horrors of the dry land, following ancient clues. Or perhaps, were they following ancient rubbish?

But so close to their goal, a terrible accident befall their mighty landship. As the massive vehicle was climbing up the slopes of a mountain, a great explosion rocked it! The survivors boarded their escape pods, hoping they would fall into nearby lakes, or that the pod's automated life support crystals would keep them alive for long enough.

Join us next week, as we tell you about the key figures in this mission. Did they save everyone? Did they actually find Antintis? Were they responsible for the explosion in the first place?

Introducing several celebrity experts, such as historians and engineers! Watch as relatives of the expedition members regale stories about their quirks! Resist the urge to look up the ending on Fishipedia!

Find the answers, only on Global Oceanographic!


Welcome to Landwrecked, a game set on a world where fishpeople live in great continental lakes, surrounded by a oceans of dry land. Fishpeople are well, fish, with two arms, but may have strange extra limbs. Their technology is powered by Brine Crystals: lattices of pure salt, crushed by the highest pressure forges one can find. They also have unlocked the secrets of Nanoalgea, which can synthesize all kinds of empowering food, or can be used to weave organic self repairing environmental suits. Oh, and they have pet starfishes, jellyfishes, crabs and such.

This high technological state of being was only possible due to the brave ones, who connected the various great lakes via landships. Originally these were carts that inched across the land using legs, manipulated by rowers. Later, they added giant sails, that moved the rather wide cargo contraptions. Most recently, people managed to stabilize Brine Crystals, and made them small enough to be part of a vehicle. And thus, a world of global aquatic commerce has begun.

It was this time when a private expedition has launched to find the ruins of Antintis. For what reason? To find an ancient weapon for a coming war? To resolve a mysterious terra incognita in the map of history? Or simply for money? Well, one part of the game is finding this out!

The game is twofold: you will both play as members of this ill-fated expedition, and you will also get the option to answer prompts about the backstory. Every now and then, you will be getting backstory prompts, which you can answer in the thread, by playing as an Expert On Live Fish TV. Everything you say will be canon, though it is best if you collaborate with your friends.

You will also be a fishy explorer, who have survived the great explosion in an escape pod, which landed in a nearby lake. The escape pod has a few Brine Crystals in it, along with a Nanoalgea generator. Perhaps you can reconfigure them, to build a base, and a makeshift vehicle... perhaps you can even find the others. Perhaps you may even fix the landship, stuck on the mountain's slopes, and go home, with or without the secrets of Antintis...

Or you can just try and enter hibernation mode, as so many others must have chosen...

Name: What is your fishy name?
Fishology: How does your fish look like? Any interesting colourations, extra limbs, or perhaps an angler lure?
Skills: Each fish knows Athletics, Technology, Leaderships and Science. Which is the one you are good at (4), which is the one you are bad at (2)? (The rest are level 3)
Employment: what was your job on the landship? What equipment did you have? Or perhaps, did you have access to more algea or crystals?
Friends from the boat: tell me about three people who were your friends on the boat. Or perhaps, "frenemies". One of them will be in your escape pod, one will be in another player's, one will be somewhere out there, in the wild! Further survivors will exist of course, you just won't know them personally.
Short bio: Short and succint, don't want to spoil everything for the viewers
The system will be me rolling a number of dice based on your skill level. If you roll high, you will gain the power of describing the result yourself! In addition, you can ask Companions to do things for you, at a cost or drawback, without rolling the dice.

Messages In This Thread
LANDWRECKED ~ The search for Antintis ~ - by ProfessorLizzard - 03-16-2021, 07:30 PM