adventure handbook By A. Seop

adventure handbook By A. Seop
adventure handbook By A. Seop
"Whoa there!  Do you have a license to operate this adventure?"

"I uh… What?"

"Tsk tsk, a code R04-l.  Don't worry, it hasn't officially started yet so I don't have anything to charge you for."

"Thanks?  I guess?  Who are you?"

"Just an agent, one of many that greases cogs of bureaucracy.  You can tell because of my badge."

"It's a really cool looking badge.  I can hardly see the compression artifacts."

"How could there be— This strictly a text based adventure!  Not a jpeg in site!  How could you see anything?!"

"Imagination.  Probably."

"For the love of…  Did you even read the adventure handbook?"

"The Rules?"

"No!  The 'adventure handbook.'  It's written by A. Seop.  Everything's in there on how to write a story that is compelling and will attract readers.  I happen to have a copy in my car."

"What car?  Oh.  How did I not notice that we are outside?  In an office parking lot no less…"

"Here.  Everything ever needed to write a successful adventure is in this book."

"Agent, uh sir?"


"Why is it nothing but memes?"

-> You dear viewer reader extraordinaire are A. Seop.  You wrote the contents within the magnificent book titled 'adventure handbook By A. Seop.'  All you post can be found in this handy informative hand sized book.

Messages In This Thread
adventure handbook By A. Seop - by BreadProduct - 02-20-2021, 09:37 AM
RE: adventure handbook By A. Seop - by Numbers - 02-20-2021, 11:20 PM