Sixth Sense Revival

Sixth Sense Revival
RE: Sixth Sense Revival
>Hey, yourself ;)
I take a moment to channel the magic that courses through my horns, which I feel has been relocated to a different part of my body, and turn around to make an impression.
[Image: mbRAiVB.png]
The man before me stares blankly before speaking.

[Image: LtmppoI.png][Image: So6HJOv.png]
[Image: ansXwNX.png]
[Image: etonFpD.png]
He points at the desaturated group of trees in the distance, the place I had emerged from.
[Image: QWLNggF.png]
I understand now. This man is speaking about the Primordial Forest. The forest is saturated with the poison that emanates from the sealed body of the dark god, Yon. Elder races such as the celestials, terrestrials, and subterrestrials, are immune to the poison because they have been blessed by both Sariel, the god of light, and Yon.

Others who are not so fortunate go insane when they travel too deep into the forest due to the poison. The cave I had come from is not too deep in the forest, just enough to not be found as easily, so anybody I choose to bring back should be fine.

>Explain that you're a traveler from faraway lands and you got lost.
[Image: HVBtyZ3.png]
I think back to the instructions I had read earlier while in the caves. Go to Lanerfield, then to the Blue Sparrow Inn. Meet the owner and proctor, Augustina Gessia. Give her the letter and fulfill your mission. Maybe he can show me there.
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[Image: KsCqvrD.png]
[Image: Glup64I.png]
I can see the kindness in his eyes.
[Image: LPFEDRy.png]
[Image: HfjWxvx.png]
The man turns and walks in the direction opposite of the Primordial Forest, waving in his direction. Due to his tall stature, he walks in long strides. I don’t waste time and immediately trot after him.

Once I catch up to him, he looks over to me with a stoic expression, as if his gentle smile had never existed, and speaks.
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[Image: 4PFAIGr.png]
After a long period of silence,
[Image: Z6bVy1D.png]
[Image: PHO7CKg.png]
I can’t believe he saw me ambling about. It’s somewhat embarrassing. I act quickly without thinking, blinded by embarrassment.

>"Hey! I'm a human! I love the sun!"
[Image: 2Zee7cw.png]
[Image: Fza8D2D.png]
[Image: MA0VbEF.png]
After the brief moment of laughter, Clarke’s expression becomes subdued at record speed.

[Image: dQFDn1a.png]
We pass by a dilapidated cabin, and I slow my pace to take in the haunting scenery.

When I look back at the guide, I see that he has advanced quite quickly, his speed now much faster. I up my pace to keep up.
[Image: YgPXkkc.png]
[Image: 2tcykoV.png]
His cryptic answer does nothing but pique my interest, but I decide not to question him.

>Have you considered that these mind manipulation tactics feel kinda...scummy?

After we pass the cabin, Clarke slows to a pace that can be easily followed. It gives me time to take a moment and think.

My mind snaps to the mind manipulation tactics I am to employ. The manipulation tactics I had mentioned during the pop quiz were all I could gather from studying about the subject. I felt that all the tactics I had gathered were underhanded, and I wished that there were other options. I don’t exactly like treating people badly.

But on the other hand, the target of my mind manipulation is fated to be the subject of the indoctrination program anyway. It’s a series of steps in which the subject is mercilessly broken down, their sense of self demolished and built anew in our image. That is how the agents of the State are born.

I went to observe one indoctrination session once. The subject was filled to the brim with guilt that had been injected by the assailant, the one who leads the indoctrination, and was made to denounce everything. Their friends, family, their former way of life. Everything.

[Image: DMxD8lN.png]
The subject was in anguish, crying hysterically and begging for forgiveness, for mercy of any kind, and they were willing to do anything for it. It was a terrible sight, and the thought that I will be the one to instigate such sessions makes me sick to the stomach. I decide to stop thinking about the past and future and think strictly about the present instead.

Before long, we reach the small town of Lanerfield.

Clarke stops just at the outskirts of town and turns toward me.
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[Image: P6UZLPu.png]
[Image: QwZ0TWI.png]
[Image: wDD9iSW.png]
It’s difficult to see how he could possibly be so disliked by the locals, but I believe him. I watch him walk past me into the direction we had come from.

Before long, I turn around and enter the town.

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Helped along by helpful bystanders, I finally arrive at my destination. It is early evening. I take a deep breath and open the door, poking my head into the opening.

[Image: 7lGjxPH.png]
Inside the dim, moderately populated room, I see some who are playing cards and others making loud conversation with large tankards in hand. After scanning the unfamiliar scene a while longer, I step inside, slowly closing the door behind me. No one seems to care to look in my direction.

I wander toward the bar and the friendly bartender turns his attention to me.
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[Image: 63pUjg0.png]
[Image: HzgojL5.png]
Just as I’m about to order something, I hear a loud crash and instinctively turn around and look.

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[Image: u35w3tm.png]
[Image: XgY60xp.png]
Edwin clicks his tongue and scowls.
[Image: 9o2E46I.png]
A young woman walks toward to the forlorn girl sitting on the floor.
[Image: 6sS56ny.png]
She looks as if she’s about to cry.
[Image: LVEXWws.png]
Just then, the entrance door swings open and a sharply dressed woman steps in.
[Image: lYLpIPS.png]
Edwin nods his head in her direction.

She wastes no time and walks directly toward me.
[Image: JmkSfdg.png]
The woman takes one look at the shattered glassware and turns her attention toward the girl that had been yelling at the girl who had caused the mess.
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[Image: jpLqZ2a.png]
[Image: vPpbbuL.png]
[Image: fLyizHZ.png]
Augustina grabs me by the lapel of my shirt and we walk into a separate room.
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[Image: DMKEbCw.png]
Augustina gestures toward one of the chairs.
[Image: ioD0FDZ.png]
Without delay, the proprietor of the inn leaves the room in a hurry. You are left alone in the room with a young woman.
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[Image: NGrt7Ow.png]
[Image: 5DRrVKh.png]
[Image: eIWMb9b.png]
[Image: UOQ6b1V.png]

AN: Yeeeees, good. Question the motive/mission.
Also I really rushed through this will fix up later!
[Image: kCfbmvt.png] [Image: Ab4TOmH.png]

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RE: Sixth Sense Revival - by smuchmuch - 01-21-2021, 01:01 AM
RE: Sixth Sense Revival - by Kiraririn - 01-21-2021, 06:16 PM
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RE: Sixth Sense Revival - by smuchmuch - 01-25-2021, 07:53 PM
RE: Sixth Sense Revival - by Kiraririn - 01-26-2021, 10:20 AM
RE: Sixth Sense Revival - by braininaplate - 01-26-2021, 11:23 PM
RE: Sixth Sense Revival - by Kiraririn - 01-31-2021, 03:06 PM
RE: Sixth Sense Revival - by smuchmuch - 01-31-2021, 07:48 PM
RE: Sixth Sense Revival - by braininaplate - 02-01-2021, 08:50 PM
RE: Sixth Sense Revival - by Kiraririn - 02-18-2021, 11:26 AM
RE: Sixth Sense Revival - by braininaplate - 02-19-2021, 02:40 AM