[IC] Swords Beneath the Starlight

[IC] Swords Beneath the Starlight
RE: [IC] Swords Beneath the Starlight

Dorian chuckles.

[Image: VOoPAvA.png]

"Not stressed, I assure you friend. I've known Adara for... about a year, now? Since I've been in the Free Territory. Known Alex for longer. But aye, I can confirm -- the stories Adara tells are all true. No lord, no king, no knights demanding you polish their pauldrons. Free n' fair's all it is. It's... nice. Nicer than I would've believed if you told me before I'd been there."


Roland thinks.

[Image: SCCQxLo.png]

"Call it what you like - Conviction, faith, bravery - it's the sort of virtue I'd expect from a knight more than a scholar. It's admirable wherever it appears though, I'd say. It's one I wish I could imitate with more grace."
[Image: VmdCAf4.png]
"...It was a shameful display I put on back there. Stuttering and tumbling over my words in front of the bandit my people have suffered under for so long... It's ill befitting someone who hopes to lead a land out from the dark. I... I fear I might not have the strength to be what my people need, Sunny. They need a savior, a man like my father. But instead, they have..."

He glances away, as if he's said too much already.
[Image: SCCQxLo.png]
"...Suffice it to say, I envy your virtue. Charging into battle, shaking off wounds, and showing bravery in the worst of times-- you've all the makings of a hero. I'm glad to be lucky enough to get the opportunity of learning by your example."


Lucrezia laughs. It's hollow. Mirthless. It's a laugh befitting those stony eyes.

[Image: ZZGYz5q.png]

"I didn't find out. Not 'til you told me. All I knew was that you were an old sadsack with a chip on his shoulder. Could've been a deadbeat dad, for all I knew -- I just took the chance hoping that the chip would be relevant. And hey, turns out I was right. Let me tell you this quick, Turncoat: I'm not the Goddess. Forgiveness isn't in my job description. Neither is judgment, though. What you've done with your sad little life is your own business. But if some gold changes hands, and you get the idea that maybe you can train that crossbow on Prince Roland? I'll know. Keep that in mind."


You can tell Lys has ended up in an odd position, here. Her eyes go wide, then start zig-zagging about, as if she's trying to quickly recalculate her entire plan.
[Image: wlddtaz.png]
"W-What? No, of course not! I mean, I'm-- I'm the one who should be apologizing, honestly! I mean, I approach the goddess in such a-- A frivolous and unrighteous manner, I thought I was... um... probably offending you, ma'am? Am I not? Because-- Because, you're a woman of the cloth! Been to seminary and everything! I'm simply a... a failed Cloistered who the goddess forgot, and I wouldn't want to impose or upset you!"


Lain thinks on what you've said. She lets your words settle for a moment before she replies.
[Image: zMjNchQ.png]
"...I think you've a point there. But... I also know how difficult that can be. Odd as I'm sure it sounds, I find you much easier to talk to than most 'round here. Mostly because I don't feel like I have to... to apologize to you? For everything I've not done, for everything my people have. It's nice, honestly, to have someone who I can approach as an equal, rather than as... as a noble to a vassal, or a sinner against one they've wronged."


Alexis thinks this over for a moment before nodding.

[Image: knuaLZd.png]

"Survival... I think this is a worthy goal. A reasonable one. A simple goal is not so bad, I think. So long as it is a dream which can buoy your wings and keep you moving forward, I think it is one worth holding onto. Your family's ranch - it raised winged creatures, yes?"


Dermid is quiet for a long while. The silence is disrupted only by the clanking of his armor as he steps toward you.
[Image: 5wuzLcZ.png]
"...A grave sin ye've committed, lad. One I can hardly forgive."

Another heavy, deathly moment passes. He sighs.
[Image: 5wuzLcZ.png]

"A man can't run from his past. Stops 'im from improvin' himself. All a man can do is take a step forward an' keep doin' it until the good outweighs the bad, and all his mistakes are but a distant memory. Never go denyin' yerself again, aye? Lettin' shame master ye is hardly somethin' befitting a true soldier, and I see the makings of one in ye."


Adara gives an unenthused shrug.

[Image: fMXbbys.png]

"Being equals means being truly equal. I called you naive, dearest, and I meant it - not as an insult, but as a point of concern! I was once a naive little city girl, 'til the world demanded I wasn't anymore. I hoped to shake you from your dream. A lot less painful that way, I'd say. And let's be honest: do you think they'd not go and fabricate a story about a theft if they thought they could squeeze any more blood from your bones? I hardly think we're adding to the problem. Just making sure it gets to poor folk who even the villages don't care for."

Messages In This Thread
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