The Restoration of Erihal [GAME START]

The Restoration of Erihal [GAME START]
RE: The Restoration of Erihal [GAME START]
Xanthi gives Leah a rather intensely serious look. "Ghosts, certainly. Or something like them. That much I've seen myself."

After a few seconds of silence, she breaks off the stare. "Now the fae, that's an interesting topic. All unsubstantiated, of course, but either nice or terrifying to think about. Depends who you ask. Better to be safe and be courteous when something that might be one comes along, of course. But to answer your question, no, I've never seen a fairy, frolicking or otherwise."

Messages In This Thread
RE: The Restoration of Erihal [Signups!] - by CSJ - 04-27-2020, 09:29 PM
RE: The Restoration of Erihal [GAME START] - by Anomaly - 07-31-2020, 07:38 AM