Lucidstuck: ASTRAL INHERITORS AU fanadventure (1)

Lucidstuck: ASTRAL INHERITORS AU fanadventure (1)
RE: Lucidstuck: ASTRAL INHERITORS AU fanadventure (1)
> To avoid becoming a piranha's brunch, get out the water first.

> Your hair's all wet. Use the water you're sitting in for a 1,5 hour deep conditioning session, including a scintillating skull massage and soothing aroma therapy. If you don't wash it right, it won't dry right - you can't risk looking like a frizzier Devil May Cry protagonist while you run around to retrieve your body.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Lucidstuck: ASTRAL INHERITORS AU fanadventure (1) - by roseyfinch - 07-10-2020, 06:24 PM