The Restoration of Erihal [GAME START]

The Restoration of Erihal [GAME START]
RE: The Restoration of Erihal [GAME START]
Jani looks Leah up and down and gives a little smile.

"Oh, a Mau! I saw a lot of you during the war. Figures you'd be joining the resettlement. It's nice to meet you as well. Where is your group going?"

Lucas grabs Kyalson's hand and shakes it very enthusiastically.

"Excellent, excellent! I knew you were the discerning sort! Ah, this is splendid, a tale of adventure, camaraderie, and of course, the beautiful story of rebuilding the great nation of Erihal!"

Malik nods to Jow.

"I cast omens, foretell the future. I was chosen to be such by the gods, by circumstance of my birth."
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Messages In This Thread
RE: The Restoration of Erihal [Signups!] - by CSJ - 04-27-2020, 09:29 PM
RE: The Restoration of Erihal [GAME START] - by Vancho1 - 06-09-2020, 01:42 AM