The Restoration of Erihal [GAME START]

The Restoration of Erihal [GAME START]
RE: The Restoration of Erihal [GAME START]
Jow breathed out slowly, now that Kamile was defused for now. Anyway, he gave the horse a final quick pat, and decided to chance his luck.

He put on his most winning, easy grin and mosey'd on over to the Keeper. "Ah must apoligise madamn. This little band of miscreants be put undar mah wing most resentlee. And thay are just a cluster o' little panicking chick-ah-deeds traying to get their little bags of goodies and tools togethar andinn order they are, all afraid of the big new world theyyer bout to be thrown out in. Between you an me, I'd be rightly 'obliged'-" And at this Jow took off his hat, holding it in his hands concernedly and looking right respectful like. -"if you could help me, help them, set them at ease and gather what they'll need, so we can get out of this fine, tight ship you yah runnin' here Ma'am. Althogh' leavin' the presence of such an official, res-spon-sibble lady like yurself, I don't know how we'll function now seeing how someone proper runs things." He finally said, maybe, possibly, half-way flirting a little.
"Don't get me started on Henchmen."

Messages In This Thread
RE: The Restoration of Erihal [Signups!] - by CSJ - 04-27-2020, 09:29 PM
RE: The Restoration of Erihal [GAME START] - by MQuinny1234 - 05-24-2020, 04:21 PM